
Sadly Valve isn’t interested in anything that doesn’t continue to generate money, why do you think hats were added to TF2?

To be fair, Dark Souls clone gets thrown around a lot. Pretty much any game these days that tries to be challenging is compared to DS. Hell If the Witcher 3 wasn’t a sequel and was instead the beginning of the franchise, it would probably be called a DS clone.

All these games still pale in comparison to MtG, including Hearthstone. Magic has been around for 30 years, and is still the king.

Honestly it’s their own fault. They really need to try and design something on their own, rather than lose any amount of money they earned in legal fees and garnering a disillusionment for game design because they wanted a short cut.

Really? The guys who charge $100 a day for the “Greatest Place on Earth™” have been using scumbag techniques to better part you from your money? Shocking!

The issue at hand is the money, people are profiting off of this, unlike someone naming their Char in WoW Jordy.

You’re probably right, the issue I see is this is a fan creation using another companies tools. You would think Roblox would put the kibosh on that before they have to start paying someone money. It is their platform, therefor their rules.

You joke, but everyone get’s tunnel vision about this game. It would be ridiculously easy to spend some time developing something close to Pokemon (the formula isn’t that complicated) but instead they all just end up in making Pokemon, and are shocked when they get wrist slapped for it.

You make it sound like these guys aren’t just blatently ripping off the assets of another and profiting off of it. They had already completed so many steps of having their own unique game, in the spirit of Pokemon, but instead they just decided to make Pokemon.

I didn’t get why the author needed to throw that out there, nobody living in that neighborhood currently could have partaken in that 77 years ago. Nor could the Chengs harbor some sort of grudge over being racially discriminated.

I don’t get it, why be a dick right off the back like that? You noticed an error you could take advantage of and your first thought is how to fuck over the people who made it? Sorry, your not good people at that point.

How has The Pokemon Company not taken this down? I don’t see how this qualifies as fair use. It’s Pokemon to a T, with Roblox game creator tools. There are no innovations, the games creators just figured out how to get a square peg into a round hole.  

It makes sense it was them. They needed to figure out some way to support Ol’ Donny Boy, because it turned out most of them were to stupid to figure out how to vote on election day.

Like any good DJ, it’s all about reading the room. If those songs are what the clients and guests want to hear, so be it.

Fort Condor, but no Cosmo Canyon!? Worst map ever.

It’s not limited to the courtroom. I’m a worker in the mental health field, we deal with stigma every day. The biggest perpetrators of spreading the FUD is Hollywood. They always put a negative spin on mental illness, whether it’s the schizophrenic murderer or a kidnapper with Dissociative Identity Disorder, mental

So Dream Daddies screwed up the one thing that could qualify it as a video game? Now it’s just a novel, or comic, or manga, or whatever you want to call it.

So first it was “there’s no roles for a black man in movies” (thank you Will Smith) now that there are more black actors in movies it’s a problem because they aren’t American? I’m confused...

Oh man, I forgot about the shady co-worker...that character is great!

No, Laurence Fishbourne as the angry old man is the best part of that show. i kinda found her character to be a little annoying, and dependent on the other’s around her (like the little sister or older brother).