
Wait, how the hell does Red from Shawshank qualify as a “magical negro”?

As a white person who loves the Dark Tower series, I couldn’t care less when I heard Idris Elba had been cast as Roland Deschain. The guys a good actor, even if the movies he’s in are mediocre. My problem with the movie stems from some fuck at the studio who thought cramming all the books into one movie was a good

Dude isn’t a good QB, he was a flash in the frying pan. Couple that with using his livelihood as a soapbox for himself, and he isn’t the best prospect.

Why is a soap company trying to lead the charge on this? This

For the most part, aside from the obvious ones like Watchmen, comics are aimed and underaged kids/teens. I can understand why they would want to toe the line on the risque. The more adult oriented ones, like Constantine and Preacher, definitely don’t pull punches though.

Visual novels aren’t games, they’re chose your own story book adventures.

In the context of some games, like FPS. In this case, they are going into these matches already knowing every card he has in his deck, thus exactly how to counter it.

This is how you protest right here. To have seen that in person no doubt left a very lasting impression. Just picturing the silent procession inspires a kind of awe.

I’ve been out of the CoD scene for a bit, but isn’t Prop Hunt a mod for Garry’s Mod?

This reminds me of the Cowboy Bebop scene that Naruto straight up ripped off.

It will never cease to amaze me the blatant racism on this site.

So long as he uses THEIR platform, he has to play by their rules. There is no one holding a gun to his head saying “change the game or else”. He could choose to leave and launch on GoG or something with the game as is.

I hate people who complain about non issues like this. This is cosmetics we’re talking about, they add nothing viable to the game. Let the developer make some extra money to further the development of the game, which he is obviously doing with the tournament.

The ego is still there, and growing, who’s to say he won’t have an outburst if it gets bruised? The fact that he has stated a trend of people referring to him as a “legend”, calling himself a “king returning to his homeland” are not good signs.

That cocktease in MGS2 was too much for me to like that character.

It’s CoD Zombies, it never changes.

This is why I like Warframe more (often compare the two), space ninja parkour your way out of there like a boss.

This article is no different then when guy’s were freaking out about Handmaids Tale...

This sounds like the guy’s who were freaking out about Handmaid’s Tale....

According to Romero, from what I get in the article, it’s not. It’s film analysts that are making these into racial allegory, Romero was just making a horror movie.