
A good stroke on their epeen’s.

It baffles me how many self centered pricks there are in team based games. I haven’t run into the harassment of women aspect yet, probably because most stay off of voice chat at this point.  I immediately write those people off as members of the party. That means no healing, no coverage from tanking, no back up from

So why, in a non-racially diverse country, would you do a show about blonde hair, blue eyed Germans?

It’s an analogue for Germany in the 1930's.

This is exactly why I play on FPV servers in ARMA, 3PV makes it so you can peak around corners without ever having to expose yourself.

I’ve been pulled over after they ran my license plate at a stop and saw unpaid speeding tickets, and i’m white as hell. Racial profiling is a very real thing, but in Florida there’s a 1 in 6 chance you are pulling over a black person, I don’t think this is necessarily a case of profiling. Cop was polite and

This is Blizzard we’re talking about, are we honestly surprised when they invented the term “Zerg Rush”?

It wouldn’t stop her from filing a police report, but it would stop her from getting paid for going on a tour of talk shows.

So the cop fucks up and starts an arrest on someone who doesn’t match the description of the suspect whatsoever, then she fucks up and attacks an officer. This is a shit storm all around.

Overpopulation is a concern all across the globe, regardless of race. When a countries citizens are producing more children then they are food, you have a problem. A lot of this stems from poor education, no jobs, established social practices, or other things that contributes to a “civilization”.

It’s racist because he talks about Africa, you can’t talk about Africa if you’re Caucasian this day and age, especially if you start coming out with reason and logic.

Played this game, can confirm people are dicks when it comes to the houses. On Malboro we had a huge problem with people buying up land to sell at a premium a couple of months down the road. And I don’t believe the “I worked harder than you” line, not when you get hit with a gold farmer message every 15 minutes in

There needs to be an overall historical committee tasked with maintaining the proper “spirit” and “realism” to these events. This includes all those nasty little tidbits that would make you ashamed to wear the uniform, because you can damn well bet there were German conscripts who felt the same.

I’d use that term to describe myself, but then again I feel shame whenever I see anything on our current POTUS.

I get that this is some bullshit, but how does the daughter feel about all this? This story is full of quotes from a whole bunch of people who aren’t her.

What you’re referring to is called crab mentality.

At the end of the game would be a great way to do it.

Poor, sad bastards. Not only do they shell out for multiple copies of the game, but they have to pay to have someone give them the ability to “git gud”.

Take notes my burnt okra of a President, this is called accountability.

Welcome to the world of copyright laws, it’s a shit hole here.