Rollin Hand

I was all in until I saw that twist in the driver’s seat. These seats are the same as the ones that were in my TBird Supercoupe, and over time the rivets elongate the holes in the seat frame, and the frame bends. Not fun to fix, apparently, and from experience, less fun to drive once it’s started.

He made two comments about the company – including one that was a question as to when the Lightning’s competitors would actually be produced. *cough* *cough* Cybertruck *cough*.

OK, gotta say that having a wood stove in a bus, and so close to both gasoline and propane makes me sliiiightly nervous.

“In fact, it’s one of the best looking 7 Series models the company has ever built.”

Well,the six-speed in my 2009 Mazda6 grenaded one day. Driving on a flat road at a steady 60 km/h in 4th, and BANG, there she went.

I think this falls under the category of “I’d drive it...but I wouldn’t want to buy it.”

Antonio Sherrodd McGiggity?

A local dealer tried to get my mother in law to bite on a whole bunch of add-ons when she bought her Yaris used. She called me to ask about it, and I said “Don’t agree to any of those things. You don’t need them at all, and it’s a cash grab by the dealer.

Way back when he first started at R&T (IIRC), Larry Webster wrote about asking a GM engineer why they didn’t try to match the shock valving in a BMW for GM cars. The engineer calmly called up the shock dyno data for a BMW and explained that they have a lot of existing relationships with suppliers, etc. Webster wrote

Now playing

I will go a little outside the box here: Ford Contour SVT. When the secondaries in the intake opened up under load, it sounded simply wonderful — my favourite intake noise this side of a Ferrari.

That looks like a Ford Escape but “meh”-tastasized. It’s ugly and boring at the same time.

Well, there’s the fact that it’s 9,000 pound vehicle that is fast enough they had put in a software fix to keep it from doing a wheelie.  The mass kind of amplifies mistakes made due to ridiculous acceleration.

I dismissed it when I saw the initial pictures, but....I like the looks of this. When optioned up, it’s stupid expensive for what it is (though isn’t everything these days?), but gosh it looks nice.

Manual transmissions should be saved, and could be an option like when getting an automatic transmission used to cost extra.

I would argue that “Stroker Ace” isn’t a car movie (it’s barely a movie at all, but that’s beside the point....), but is a...ahem...”comedy” set in NASCAR. It’s basically “Talladega Nights” without the joy.

4th gear is mischaracterized.

Whateveris parked next to me in the parking lot. It’s hard to see past most of the behemoths out yhere today. Add in the de rigeur tinted glass, and a rear cross traffic detection system is absolutely necessary.

Heartily disagree with wanting the lower trim and the manual. The reason people drove the lower trim levels with a stick is because they really wanted it, and most automakers wouldn’t sell them anything else with features. I wanted the manual with higher trim levels and no sunroof (I am tallish).

If the issues they had with the Bolt continue, Blazer is the perfect name for this.