
where’s the tl;dr person?  or should i ask.... where is the tl;dw?????

I just don’t bother watching them. At least I could advance through the slideshows at my own pace... 

Just when you think things can’t get worse than slideshows - they give us a fucking video.

Yup. As soon as I see it's a video, I immediately leave. Only reason I'm commenting was to see if anyone else was complaining too.

These video articles SUCK! Give me an article written in old fashion text or at least a slideshow.

Everyone in the anti-abortion crowd should be put into a lottery system. If their name is drawn, then they are responsible for the housing, food, care and medical expenses (including mental health costs) of the mother during and after pregnancy, and then as a bonus they get to raise the child that they cared so much

Same thing I thought, too many steps. First recommendation: add removable ramps so you can drive onto them. Second recommendation: install bottle jacks to each so you don't even need a floor jack.

This is where Quattro comes in handy....

I got solder but I'm not a solderer.

I've always told people that if I had a Ferrari, or an older 911 Turbo, or a Lambo, or whatever... I'd daily drive it all year round.