
Or Michonne. They better not ever let her get hurt or I will flip the fuck out.

Totally agree and I love that they have realised Carol is a genius!

Shhh, child. She *made* millennial culture to a very great extent - whatever you think you can claim, she probably did it first. She's never played by the same rules as everyone else, and that includes coming up with her own definition of mid-fifties life. Be happy she exists rather than resenting her for - what?

That's the sign of a true professional. An amateur throws other people under the bus. A professional says nice things about underlings in public and then quietly and privately has them killed. RIP Madonna's dancers.

"It was a horrible nightmare because I like to be amazing."

"Few of today's poachers hunt elephants for subsistence; most are commercially driven, heavily armed criminals. In fact, illegal poaching and wildlife trafficking is the fourth largest transnational crime. Ivory—sometimes called "the white gold of jihad"—helps fund the military operations of notorious terrorist

Actually, the ivory trade is funding terrorism and conflict in Africa, so the average face of the ivory poacher isn't the sad starving kid in a UNICEF commercial, but a violent dickhead inflicting genocide on their neighbors because their god has a smaller peepee or whatever.

So what, exactly? Poverty gives no one the right to destroy.

At WHAT age? She's younger than my parents and I don't even worry about my parents breaking their hips anytime in the next decade.

Well, there's also the phenomenon where people like Benedict Cumberbatch, Eddie Redmayne, Tom Hiddleston, etc. end up being considered super attractive, when, actually, they're not really particularly handsome dudes. And that has to do with the fact that they've done amazing acting, or are charming and lovely as human

Nothing is terribly shocking here. If I were rich, I'd slather $500 cream all over every inch of my skin, too.

"a texture that is rich yet generous, melting and impalpable."

Correct. First gay man couple though. That's usually seen as more "taboo" by some people.

Yup. Was coming to post the same thing.

Yeah...maybe this is just a case of "out of sight, out of mind", but pretty sure the show covered Tara being gay before now, she just hasn't been shown romantically linked to anyone for awhile.

She was. I'm not sure why that's always forgotten.

The problem isn't the Oscars; the problem is the film-making industry. Minority actors aren't nominated because very few movies about minority characters are made. Women directors/cinematographers/sound editors aren't nominated because very few studios hire women in those roles. Expecting the Oscars to embrace

i don't understand why we're bothering to pick apart the drunk ramblings of a woman in the heat of the moment. she was tipsy and just won the biggest award possible in her field while millions of eyes were watching. i'd be surprised if anyone manages to have a coherent thought on the spot after an event like that.

I always appreciate anyone who's super open about who they really are. Kind of like rockstars. "Yeah, I sleep with tons of women, I cheat, I do drugs. So?" They're telling you who they are, upfront and they never really judge anyone. People who are way too self-righteous, too judgemental and so called "clean", are