
Yeah, in real life I just grimaced and walked away. But in the article, I called her a mean name. BUT SOMEONE EDITED IT OUT. Apparently, Millihelen is not my platform to passive aggressively name call people who are mean to me at preschool pick up.

Caroline Hirons also did a post about parabens recently, and the folks at Paula's Choice have good information as well.

Not store bought? Then where did the coconut come from, Martha? You live in New York; you don't have a damned palm tree in your backyard. These things don't grow on heirloom maple trees, Martha.

Sweetheart, did you read the piece? No? Then shut the fuck up.

I'm curious to know whether Carrie was the first to marry herself (in a fit over lost shoes...aired Aug 17, 2003), and not that erm, "alternative" Dutch artist lady (also 2003).

I think she was being sarcastic? I mean, she's an actress and is surrounded by attractive people, many of whom she is presumably friends with. I doubt she thinks all attractive people suck.

So I totally misunderstood his tweet then? I thought he was saying that just because there was going to be a snowstorm doesn't mean there isn't an overall global increase in temperature. Which was awesome because so many people will point to extra snow as proof that climate change isn't happening. I am totally

When Jay Leno has a valid point to make, you know things have gone awry.

It's stupid parental nostalgia. How many times have you heard people say that measles, mumps, chicken pox aren't that bad? It's because they can't remember the cases that were bad, or that they are fucking awful when you catch them as a baby or as an adult. So when you hear stupid parental nostalgia, remind them that

I'm actually angry that I clicked through to this. My click added to your numbers, and thus your rationale for posting the video. Pure sleaze. Shame on you.

As an elder millennial a phrase I had to say often was, "can I have the negatives back?"

Holy shit if even a quarter of the stuff I got into in college ever made it to the internet I'd be horrified. I thank god every day I went to school prior to social media and smart phones.

Even if you are trying to illustrate the story, posting a video of something you consider sexual assault is pretty fucked up, even if it is all over the internet.

Why is this video being posted? Why?

Our Whiteness, Ourselves

wow, I had to read the comments to understand the mugs were a play on fiancé. I need coffee.

So... is any word ending in "eyoncé" trademarked or copyrighted? How would she have a leg to stand on in this? And what about satire and fair use? This also seems like just a crappy move.

So rude and presumptuous, Bey. Maybe people just wanted to celebrate Grizz from 30 Rock's fiancée, Feyoncé.