
I'm just sayin...

Really, this is a symptom of the creative bankruptcy of media and the seemingly absent positive feedback from audiences for new, unfamiliar things. I reference an episode of New Girl where Jess is spitting out Urkle and Tanner catch phrases much to the delight of young 20 somethings. That scene is played out on a

It looks to me (based on body language) that she strong dislikes him but that he's ok with her.

I took it more as commentary on the price of education. It's kind of someone to give you $2k but that is what you'll pay in interest this year without touching the balance. Sucks!

This needs a tie-in link to yesterday's (?) article about the breakdown of entry-level film/directorial jobs.... The salient point IS that a woman practically has to be Angelina Jolie, or at least have her resume, before getting the first opportunity to direct. As opposed to just any boy-schlub out of film school who

Different points of view provide better entertainment. So yes, more women directors would make for better and more original stories. Hollywood has been in a rut for decades.

OK I don't want to reply to specific people because I don't wanna encourage trolling, but to everyone who is wondering if there are enough women out there who are interested and capable of being film directors the answer is definitely yes. Even just in film school a few years back, it was a pretty even gender split

Then they give the Globe to Jeffrey Tambor-for playing a woman.

Way to Go, Charlie. You've managed to make a Kardashian look mature and dignified in comparison.

I expected a lot of pictures of Laura Dern.

I know this is most definitely not what movie studios are looking at, but her acting is far better than Hemsworth from what I've seen, whether she'd won an Oscar 10 years ago or not, and she's the better known star. I'm barely aware of the man as a 20-something because he's just the Thor guy to me. Charlize Theron is

Charlize Theron was going to get paid less than Chris Hemsworth?

Let's break down some arguments, sorry, "facts" laid down by our dear friend LocalSP, who is desperately trying to explain why it's okay that 87% of any particular job (entry-level or otherwise) goes to white men.

Talk to female/minority film students. They see themselves getting passed over for grants, internships, jobs, professors bypass them in favor of the introspective, horn-rimmed glasses-wearing white dudes. If there are more white dudes being interviewed, it's most likely because others become too frustrated with the

Who needs GIFs? I just walk outside and stare at a tree for hours.

You literally just jumped to the conclusion that white dudes are intrinsically better at being directors.