
That doesn't sound that bad at all.

Trying to convince people in the comments that they're wrong...

It just seems to be teaching the wrong lesson to me. Making her wear things she finds childish as a way of embarrassing her doesn't seem like it's going to make her stop wanting to imitate teenagers. All this would have done when I was this age was reinforce that being a teenager and buying things appropriate for them

I'm gonna be that person and say.....I don't like this. I care less about the fact that he made her wear that stuff (which, just within their family, could actually be funny and effective) and more about the fact that he humiliated her in front of 250,000 people (and counting). 10 years old is old enough to start

Does anybody actually do anything productive here or is it pretty much just this kind of shit all day every day?

This is Bud Rudd his slightly older brother.

NO. That is clearly NOT Paul Rudd.

I don't really get why people wear jewelry on this show. It's the end of the world and you haven't bathed in weeks but you still haven't forgotten to put on your diamond earrings in the morning? If I was barely making it, I'm fairly certain I'd jettison the sparkly things in favor of having as few encumbrances as

To the Gapmobile!

Gap needs to stick with their classic shtick. But maybe make better dresses that are not just squares.

To be fair, people who get the "irony" of "normcore" need to be punched in the face.

I started out pretty centrist, and the older I have gotten the further and further left I lean, and yet my parents will still occasionally say that. The fact is the older I have gotten the more I have attempted to understand other people and pay attention to the world around me. I used to believe in bootstraps, and

I think this is something older republican voters often think about everyone who isn't hardcore conservative. Like we're going to grow up, and suddenly understand why they're racist. My dad says stuff like this to me all the time. "ISpeakJive, one day you'll understand."

Can Jezebel do a poll of users to see who is going to vote and for who? Then compare it to the number of registered users to get a sort of biased percentage of likely voters? I'm sure it will be mainly Democrat, but looking more to see who we can shame into actually voting this time. I honestly just can't believe

That's the thing about these Matthew McConaugheys, each year I get smarter, they just stay the same age (about 13 mentally).

Which one is Gordon Ramsey?

Bill Cosby is a good example of the "rapists are normal people, not obvious monsters" thing. As long as we continue to believe all rapists come off as inherently creepy people will still disbelieve survivors, no matter how credible their stories.

He was bitten and knew he had to off himself before he turned into a walker.