
I think we are seeing, in this proposal, the true thrust and desire of the Trump Administration. THIS, my friends, is the payoff. The big enchilada. The expected and promised reward to every bigly corporate backer of the Trump Campaign.

The plan is so utterly lop-sided. It would be hilarious, were it not for how

Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.

everything should have the full body design

your cars are clean! And that blue is perfect on your 2!

nice! I miss my mazda 2. Had the spirited green touring with the manual.

I don’t really have one yet, I didn’t want to put it on the miata forums until I’m really close to having the metal work finished. Otherwise you get a lot of haters and flame wars. I post updates on my kinja account on oppo. I think if you search the tag “zoom zoom” you will find the posts.

This photo is full of poor life choices.

I’m trying to make my dreams come true:

Wait, nobody suggested the obvious answer? This is the home of Miata Is Always The Answer, and in this case it really is. Cheap, super easy to work on, can be driven daily, and is a perfect entry level track car. Plus parts are plentiful and also dirt cheap.

In Latin America we have complex systems of crust crimping to indicate which empanada is which, and if you can’t remember the one with the fold over crimp and the little pastry isthmus to the left is pollo verde with egg then obviously you’re not loyal enough to your empanaderia and thus deserve to get stuck with the

Anyone who unironically dubs himself a “Social media influencer” deserves to be punched in the nuts until his hair bleeds.

You could title these pictures as “Japanese model take it in the rear and get covered in goo” and you would not be wrong.

I once got into an accident with a guy in an H2. Asked if he was ok, guy all macho like says defiantly, “Pfffft! You kiddin’ me? I’m in a Hummer! I’m FINE! These things are TOUGH!”. Brags this to me and the cop, and refuses the ambulance ride before he drives off in his vehicle.

As someone who has spent a lot of time in a real Hummer, I laugh at these things. It’s ALL fake, with just enough stuff to make it look tough.

Sanderson published three books in the time it took you to post that.

I just heard on a podcast by Mike Rowe that the thawing with the Soviets was all because Boris Yeltsin went grocery shopping in Texas while on a diplomatic trip to the US and saw how many flavors of pudding pops we had over here. And Yeltsin made Gorbachev see that they were fucked because if even the poorest among us

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?


Its called 'Myomer Fiber'. All the rage in the 30th Century.