There is no “dabbles in in”. Satanists are usually atheists who are down on the social doctrines that Christians try to impose on society, while beating their chests and claiming to be persecuted. Satanism is nothing more than a theatrical “fuck you” to Christian hypocrisy and ritual.
It’s insufficiently busy. The navy needs to glue bits of grey lego all over the hull to make it more Star Destroyer-like.
The serial number is also only E280 rather than 1000.
It’s true — it wouldn’t be without its challenges, but that the overt exploitation of the people doing the work is taking place so brazenly really underscores the need for them to organize.
He has his name sewn into the lining of his jacket. It’s his ace in the hole, and it’s sure to give this caged tiger the kick at the nuclear football that he no doubt intends to take.
Are adult performers organized? Given the vulnerability of the workers, it seems like a no-brainer that they’d form at least an association to enforce a minimum acceptable level of professional conduct while at the workplace.
The chain vs driveshaft argument just boiled over.
You’re pretty liberal with what constitutes a “thought”, aren’t you.