Not if I pay for it first. Hang out with me, Matt! I feel like such a weird groupie
Not if I pay for it first. Hang out with me, Matt! I feel like such a weird groupie
I like how the article doesn't really have anything to do with the raptor (as I'm sure it doesn't contribute a whole lot to those increased truck sales), yet it is the lead photo and the topic of 90% of the comments. Apparently it's just too awesome to not talk about it all the time.
Can't say for sure, but the first paragraph seems to imply that it is, otherwise I don't know why he would bring up the F50 and its license plate.
"They knew that the way to go as fast as they could was to draft on the car ahead, increasing straight-line speed"
I don't think its that crazy. Pretty sure Maricopa County does this (the cars might not technically be police cars, but IIRC they look almost identical and have sirens). From what I've heard, they haven't had issues with vehicle misuse.
Sure, he sounds like a whiny baby, but if I was dropping that kind of (fictional, in my case) cash on a car, I would demand that it be exactly what I ordered.
If this behavior is within the rules, then why is it that so many people were punished for it?
Kinja is cool and has potential, but I agree. I preferred the old list better.
How is this a profession? At least window washers do something you can't actually do at that very moment, but this guy literally does nothing.
You sign on the same line that gives up all rights to your firstborn child in exchange for the cash you need to purchase this monster.
Well I most certainly will not sit idly by and let our city be beaten by Cleveland in the race for craziest residents.
When I first saw that you said Pacifica, I thought you were nuts but now I really see it. Definite possibility, IMO.
I think the rear window on the Winstar is more straight down at the tail end, while the T&C rear window doesn't slope down as sharply
Am I the only one who refuses to buy a Chinese car (and that includes companies owned by Chinese interests)
Wouldn't heavy traffic actually be an advantage for an electric car, compared to gas engines?
How dare you call Chevelle's music shitty.
Kind of a D move, but can anyone really blame him? You don't get three championships without taking chances and pissing some people off. The kid wants to win. That said, I would be super pissed if I was Webber.
"What did you want, another carbon copy of the old XJ Cherokee?"
I would provide an answer, but I dont know what "favourite" means
Was anyone else surprised that GM cars are on the road the longest?