
“Personally, I don’t think I’d ever want an early VW with such obvious Nazi ties”

"Cop hits motorcycle"

I noticed that too. Probably don't see to many huge American SUVs over there, wanted to look at them a little more would be my guess.

"RAID, assisted by BRI and other units, was there to see the crisis to its deadly end."

Please don't ever use the phrase "tactical ski masks" again.

Just because I'm anal about this for some reason, I'll say that those "antelope" are actually pronghorn. The term "pronghorn antelope" is kind of a misnomer, there are no antelope in North America.

Such upstanding citizens. These kids are really going places.

True, but "settling" for the 2002 is not exactly like driving a Camry.

The Alfa is pretty, but the BMW probably has a higher chance of actually working.

How dare you treat the H1 with such disrespect.

I'm really interested in one of these, but I think I may have been too soured from hearing how terrible and unreliable the first gen was

OK, we get it. You don't like America. Please inform us which plane is the pride of the skies over your shitty country.

But it was so entertaining. And what kind of F1 driver can't avoid an Australian hitchhiker on the lap back to the pits?

Ya, I was surprised this wasn't listed in the post. I know its not on TV, and the Daily Motion video player suuuucks, but still, it should be a good time.

I'm no fan of NBC, but I'm pretty sure everyone with NBCSN has Live Extra. I don't even have cable, but I use my parents' account info to get NBC Sports Live Extra on my computer to watch the races.

I believe that's 2PM Sunday, not Saturday.

OK newb question, but i don't really get it. Is the joke that his steering wheel is way far to the right but the car seems to be going straight? So he's saying his car blows but he still finished 2nd because he's that good?

Good one BMW, except that you left F1 and Audi dominates endurance racing. Audi needs an R18 blimp

Oh come on. You know it's an awesome car. Maybe not the greatest thing ever, and perhaps Ferraris have built up a reputation exceeding their actual value, and definitely the value of their owners, but its still an amazing car.

I think he meant "top-level" as in the three national NASCAR series, and not a low level or regional race like K&N Pro series or something like that.