
"You can't have a law that says 'Only women who were raped can have abortions' its either all or nothing"

damn. oh well, I guess I'll just have to make funky shapes then

So then you could just set your pattern as a swipe from left to right on the bottom row. All the fun of using an apple patent, without the litigation.

Why is this article on Gizmodo?

Fair enough, my bad. I'm just not a big fan of this particular song

Indeed, I should have mentioned them. Good stuff

this is interesting because delta has always had a habit of screwing me over on everything

Theres much better death metal out there than this. This video makes me laugh, its kinda weird. Try black dahlia murder or all shall perish instead. Much better

"Look at the Most Beautifullest Pictures on Your iPad"

does this mean androids gonna get sued and my slide unlock is gonna go bye bye?

they make jeep the most reliable domestic brand? hmm i think i will take their opinion on ford with a small grain of salt

i dont understand how android is stolen, if it was started in 03 and bought by google in 05 and apple didnt release the first iPhone til 07. unless google was spying on apple, im not sure how its stolen.

android has aged better in terms of who improved more (man that G1 is ugly) but the iPhone hasn't aged much because it was designed pretty well from the start

"They just keep running in the background and slowing down your system. With Ice Cream Sandwich, you can just open the visually-improved multi-tasking interface and simply swipe away apps you don't want to use"

i hear ya. i find myself doing that as well. it has to work, right?

step in the right direction, if its even true, but call me when they offer a subscription service with a decent collection.

i waited for the whole process to finish on my ipad 2, then at the very end an error message popped up saying it could not be completed. fuck. trying again...

i like macs and all, but why do you have to be one of those people that hates all things windows? you're not gonna let your wife use a windows computer or be christian? come on dude. why cant we all just get a long. my girlfriend and i have a wide assortment of apple and non-apple products and they actually can live

i hope to God this is true

true, but maybe the solar panels could be optional