The Ball Four Declaration

As a Penguins fan, I love it when the Toronto media runs guys out of town.


NFL Commissioner Orlando Brown begs to differ.

+ me 2

I wish we could take your number of stars and Triplette.

When it comes to sexy chess pieces, you can’t beat the bishop.

Uff dong.

True story. Ten years ago, Lady Ball Four and I flew into Jacksonville to catch a cruise. We hadn’t even left JAX airport when she LOL’ed. “They had the Super Bowl HERE???”

I hope he won’t blunt your high expectations but will bowl over defenders and spark a resurgence. Indica-tions are this team has pot-ential — maybe for ’18 or ’19, maybe for ’20.

As a Red Sox fan, I can never criticize Dave Roberts as long as I live.

Win, Dance, Retweet

False comparison. With a crippled brain, football players can’t think. With a crippled wrist, gamers can still masturbate by humping the mattress.

If a dog bites a man, that’s not news. If a dog jerks off a man, that’s news!

It’s North Carolina. He needs to make sure his bathroom guests have the right genitals.

You’re not kidding.

I’ve never watched wrestling but I would watch this.

I see what you’ve Doan there.

Counterpoint: Primanti fries are Pittsburgh’s greatest contribution to humanity.

I thought they covered this in rookie camp: Even though you’re now entitled to buy your way out of rape charges, hookers are cheaper.