Sola Balisane

Or he's one of those guys who thinks their dick is huge so they don't have to do anything, but in fact it's tiny AND they're terrible in bed but if you ever mention that they may be less than perfect they just assume it's sarcasm and continue berating you for not going down on them despite having a nearly pathological

Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.

No one's slick as Gaston

Unless the white man who is walking past me happens to be a cop, then yes, I do feel less intimidated. And I'm not going to apologize for it. Men like you are the reason for this, because you're either outright harassing us or you're trying to cover up for the ones that do. Try reading up on the experiences that

No, I'm speaking as a black woman and making it clear WHO I feel intimidated by when I walk the street. I'm sorry that that doesn't meet your approval, but I really don't give a shit. I didn't downplay catcalling by white men, I simply noted that I almost never experience it, which most black women can also probably

Don't really see how you read that from my post. You obviously want to see a double standard where none exists. This is an issue that the black community, specifically black men, have to work on. And I'm not going to be intimidated into being silent about it by some (probably white) internet commenter.

Time to bust out a new burner name: TheonGreycommentJoy.

I mentioned this somewhere else yesterday, but it should be here, too, even if it's just a technical clarification: most of these trolls weren't using our non-IP-tracked, anonymous "Burner" accounts. They were logging in using throwaway Twitter accounts as verification. So while the overall comment/groupchat system

yay! i'll happily go back to being ignored in the greys if it means no more terrible gifs everywhere :D

I feel terrible, but this is why I don't walk around in public in places like Philly or Brooklyn anymore. As a black woman, the harassment is simply terrible. One thing I've found over the years is that its much safer to walk around in areas that are predominantly white. White men either aren't attracted to or are

Respect to the chap standing up for the women. I hope they catch the bloke who punched him soon. The quicker cat calling and other associated 'Alpha Male' behaviour becomes totally socially unacceptable the better. It is not big and it is not clever and is one of the reasons the human race cannot have nice things.

"So when a man is being and doing what a real man should be and do"

I'm divided on that. I mean from a moral standpoint yes it absolutely is. From a realistic one you don't know if you'll end of like this guy (or any number of women or I assume other me). And lets face it. He may be a hero, but that's an awful lot of pain to go through to do a good deed. Heck, these asses weren't even

Oh and as far as assault, I was actually assaulted, mid-day holding hands with my boyfriend in DC, which is much, much worse than Philadelphia.

I would never even touch a gun. I moved out of the city so I am ok now. Once I met my boyfriend, he made sure I never had to walk by myself, its terrible that a 32 year old woman would need a man to pick her up so she isn't harassed.

Can I just say that it doesn't surprise me that it's a fella from Texas. We've got our bad apples, but by and large we don't seem to have the same degree of street harassment as they do in the Northeast. Heck, last time I heard a guy holler at a girl walking by, his friends shut him down with something along the lines

The man from Texas has a heart of Qonos. The yIntagh filth that attacked him will get what is coming to them. Shameless cowards cannot avoid their fate.

They're making fun of what people on the internet think a white knight is.

White Knight - I do not think it means what you think it means.