
This is obviously a major breach of copyright law, isn’t it? How the hell did they think this wouldn’t warrant legal action of some sort?

Counterpoint: You are a joyless hag who cannot find pleasure in anything due to your crippling, radical feminist views.

Huh... isn’t that what equality is though? Talking about the needs of both men and women? Talking about how to improve life for everyone? You guys spout equality but it is so very obviously about Women being supreme and men being nothing.

Why did it have to come from THIS white dude? This is a case of loving the message but thinking the messenger is a smarmy twat. I’ve thought that since he did his little bit shaming those who were in bad enough financial straits to have to use a payday loan like I was. It sure is easy to mock desperate people when you

I can see the groping, but good luck trying to make a case of forcibly grinding in this environment

somehow this is unfair because all women are liars obvs and they’ll just lie a lot to get complete strangers in trouble and unleash a tyrannical feminist fury all over the city of New York, which everyone knows is the kickoff to Armageddon, at least, if they’ve read Revelations.

I still see video and audio engineers with the 7506 headphones in their gear bags.

Yeah...not a Hawks fan. Never was, never will be. Just a lifelong Chicagoan who’s seen a city go from not giving a shit about an entire sport to turning it into a cult.

And that stuff goes on with NFL players all the time. Only they just don’t get up and quit the team over it.

For what it’s worth, something may be going on with Michael’s fiancee, Vito. He hasn’t been on social media since the 11th and he has some major familial issues that he’s dealing with.

Why isn’t it politically correct to say he fucking sucks at professional football? College football is a different game. No hard feelings, Mike.

I think it also feeds into peoples needs/desires to be special as it’s not just “unfashionable” diseases (e.g. mental illness) that people reject, it’s common ones - like scabies. Common diseases are what other people get, I’m a super special snowflake, my illness is super rare, nobody understands my suffering.

Definitely. I have a family member with fibromyalgia who is desperate for effective treatment but refuses to even try antidepressants, because she feels that if her pain turns out to be treatable by antidepressants then it’s not real. As if the source or contributing factors matter more than the fact of the suffering.

Why do these sufferers insist on thinking that the disease is biological and not mental? We have a long way to go towards accepting that mental illness is illness, don’t we?

"Have female characters of various body types"

I mean this in the most respectable way possible regarding #6. Is she going to personally give money to the development companies to double all their animation. After reading an in-depth article this week on kotaku about just getting breasts to animate correctly and how much extra effort, time and cost it

Woohoo!!! Free money!... this is why I stopped paying any attention to Kickstarter. Such a scam.

omg, i am happy this is happening. Coach totally threw off the dynamic. There were just too many characters all of a sudden, too many plotlines and frankly, not enough Winston who is my fave character on the show. Lamorne Morris is amazing. Also, whatever happened to ferguson the cat? He seems to have disappeared?!