
I sure am glad Ken Peters weighed in with his Christian thoughts. We’d like to have no abortion in America too, Ken. It starts with lots of free birth control and a social safety net for families. Ken? Ken? Where’d you go?

Blind item guess - Channing Tatum and Jessie J?

Translation: Someone offered him a job to shut him up.

How was he supposed to know that the winner was right behind him? Do you know who exactly everyone in any given room is and where they are at all times?

Would you like to fall into a deep, dark internet hole about Bristol Palin faking the month of her child’s birth?

Thank you Josh for coining “Rat Rat”


I haven’t read the source material or seen the film but, as my boyfriend said after seeing the trailer “I think they might have misjudged the public’s attitude on the practice of whaling in making a movie where we’re rooting for whalers.”

I’m a little surprised, since he thought Barbie had fat ankles.

...I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but they only showed her face. Like, you can’t tell from her face that she’s plus sized. Granted, they are selling makeup, but isn’t that a pretty common criticism of the way we show plus size women in ads and in magazines. Like if Adele is on the cover of a magazine, it’s pretty much

So white men can’t be feminist, but black men can? Asian men can? Wow... How about who ever believes men and women are equal and should be treated in society as such is a feminist.

No surprise about this Fake Rape Feminism...Don’t most feminsts think sex between the genders is automaticalaly Rape anyways??...

I’m noticing that Jezebel is trying to make Trevor Noah the next person to “hate” and I’m not into it. Dude didn’t say there was equal rights in Hollywood. He acknowledged that women comedians are getting shit done right now. He addressed that in HIS interview. A space where he could have talked about anything else,

Is someone seriously suggesting that even asking this question is problematic? That in a “free” society, to even raise the question is wrong?

Whoa whoa whoa, so we’re saying language has been around WAY before someone rich and white wrote it down? I’m not sure I can handle this shocking fact!

Snakes are one group of animals that are thought poorly of in many different Native American tribes. Snakes are associated with violence and revenge in many North American cultures, and rarely with any positive qualities.

But this isnt proof to them. They want hard evidence. Seejng these women arent going to change any of those people’s minds.

Counterpoint: You are a joyless hag who cannot find pleasure in anything due to your crippling, radical feminist views.

Huh... isn’t that what equality is though? Talking about the needs of both men and women? Talking about how to improve life for everyone? You guys spout equality but it is so very obviously about Women being supreme and men being nothing.

Why did it have to come from THIS white dude? This is a case of loving the message but thinking the messenger is a smarmy twat. I’ve thought that since he did his little bit shaming those who were in bad enough financial straits to have to use a payday loan like I was. It sure is easy to mock desperate people when you