I think it had more to do with the 9 catches in two years.
I think it had more to do with the 9 catches in two years.
I was expecting a Westerosi wildfire flak gun that shoots little balls of wildfire that burn up the dragons wing skin or something. If they are just going to stick with what Qyburn was showing off they better get Bard from Laketown to man that thing when Dany shows up.
Uhm, Hydra already messed with the Tesseract in the forties. I say the message was sent out a long time ago. And you don’t normally wait for your enemy until he is ready to fight back. Skrulls are sneaky assholes. A long-game infiltration plan sounds just right for them.
This is an acceptable response. With this kind of customer service, I’m sure to be back tomorrow.
I can tell you who it’s not... Hawkeye.
Patrick has been fired for not referencing the extensive real-world history of ballistas being used to kill flame-breathing magical lizards the size of 747s.
Sigh. Poor ROM The Spaceknight. This was your storyline before Bendis recycled it and inflicted it on the world.
He’s just joking around... it’s not like someone would actually attempt to assasinate a Senator. About a month ago. To a member of his party.
Agent Coulson.
Someone get this man a midol, a hot toddy, and a pre-written resignation letter for him to sign.
Why doesn’t he ask senator Paul outside? He’s also been a “no”, for different reasons.
I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don’t have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in the Northeast...
I think he might just be an idiot. There are a lot of derogatory slurs for women out there but “northeasterner” is a new one; it’s more likely that he just doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.
Hey asshole. There were 4 senators who killed the most recent version of the Senate bill. Only one of them was a woman and only one was from the NE. Yet apparently the male obstructors from Utah, Kansas and Kentucky are okay by you. Fucking fuck off you fucking fuckwit, and take your “if these ladies were men”…
I will be happy, as a woman, to empty a double barrel shotgun in your fat ass, you misogynist piece of shit.
Municipal managers and lawmakers need to do their jobs. Grandfathering. Rent control. Historic exemptions. Carve-outs. These are not new concepts. They just need to be applied for responsible growth.
“Northeast” - You know, where all the people who want to abort your gun rights while ripping away your manhood live.
“Some of the people that are opposed to this, there are female senators from the Northeast... If it was a guy from South Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style,”
three “female senators from the Northeast,”
I’ve had urban farmers live next door. You do not want to deal with that. You have my ultimate sympathies for dealing with that asshattery.