
We only got wind of this because we had the Russians bugged, not Flynn. Jesus Christ these people are fucking idiots.

How about paying your vendors? That’s a thing you could do.

No Chris Rock on that list either? This person has a shitty sense of humor.

You’re seriously grouping Dane Cook with Pryor and Carlin? You know he steals most of his material, right? Why not throw Carlos Mencia in there too.

He was a character in Glory for fucks sake. If you’re not going to read a book, at least watch a fucking movie, Mr President.

So you basically just said “I know this is off-subject and not a fucking thing anyone who clicked on this article wants to talk about derails the relevant conversation, but I’m posting it anyway.” Awesome. You have been a terrific addition to the commentariat. Just fucking great.

GET A JOB!!!!!

So two squad cars out for some (black) guy just going for a fucking walk? You see nothing wrong with that or what was in the video?

Yup. That guy was absolutely poised to bust the fucking shit out of him.

Even if he was some junkie weirdo, why would he steal a tape measurer? There’s got to be better options on a construction site than a tape measurer. What would he pawn that for, a nickel?

I remember one time a black guy got on the elevator with me and got off on the same floor as me. I called security and yada yada yada... Turns out it was actually this guy Larry who had been living on my floor for several years before I ever moved in. I dodged a bullet on that one. You really can’t be too careful

Hank Greenberg maybe?

Yes, yes I do. Because I actually had to be tested by the fucking court randomly for 2 years. I think I have some fucking idea of what I’m talking about, and probably more than you.

Yeah bro, go read. You’re not going to piss dirty 7 months after you did something, I don’t care what it is.

If it’s still in his system 6-7 months later, he’s still taking it. This is kind of a dumb thing for Deadspin to be outraged about.

Yeah, that second one they didn’t seat those people because they’re complete fucking assholes coming in 5 minutes before close. “Sure, we’ll pay our whole staff for an extra hour and a half so you can buy two burgers, abuse the staff and probably demand your meal be comped anyway. Why wouldn’t we?”

It happens to the best of us. The worst is when you don’t notice it for 3 hours and then you feel like a complete idiot. This has happened to me many, many times.

Fugazi is legit. They won’t even sell t-shirts.

I’m not even black and I was WTFing on that comment. They do not look anything alike.

Sheeeeeit. I used to play baseball, hockey and tennis and I’ve had rhabdo set in helping someone move for 8 hours. If your arms feel not even sore, just totally like spaghetti and your piss is inexplicably some weird shade of brown, go get looked at. Also, don’t help someone move from and to a 2nd floor walkup when