Bald Beagle

The most iconic facial hair to Australians would be Merv Hughes’ mustache - he’s a former cricketer-slash-cult hero.

Those are chunks of his feet floating in the pool after he gets out, aren’t they?

Watch Spurs turn them over tomorrow now.

Serious question: have you thought of running for office?

A big FUCK YOU to Amari Cooper, part of my 10-2 romper of a fantasy team but who finally dragged my bedraggled fantasy corpse into a ditch after weeks of trying with another 2 point effort.

Simmons hasn’t been a decent writer for a long time (I probably last enjoyed reading him in any sense in 2014), but man his takes are bad and his writing seems so so so dated now.

Next you’ll be forgetting about the existence of sleighs!

Shhh, be quiet. You’re skating on thin ice.

It is he, Guy Incognito!

Half the time I go to pat my poor dog when I get home and I’ve just taken off my coat, she gets zapped by my now-electrified hands.

How much water would need to be vaporized to help lower the water levels? Could this be Trump’s secret plan to combat climate change?

“Of course, NFL owners have already voted on and approved the Raiders’ seemingly imminent relocation”

I’ll think you find it’s now this:

You reckon he was going for an atomic leg drop but wussed out mid-air thus causing him to fuck himself up far worse? I don’t know how you could plan on going through a table feet first.

Definitely gonna pay whatever Billyburg Cinema is asking me to pay to see this tonight. I know it’s gonna be bad, but I also figure that mindlessness is good for 90 odd minutes in the current world we inhabit.

Michael Buble’s dark side revealed.

The Bears need this doggo in the secondary, stat. Clear football movement after the catch, so FUMBLE RECOVERY DOGGO.

This happened to me a month or so ago - it was quite confrontational and accusatory.

As a Nats fan, if I had a cat, I’d be kicking it. We need to be ultimate win-now mode, and Sale was a much better agent for that than McCutchen would be (if we even get him).