
I am suffering from chronic 1,000 yard stare all of a sudden

Like my ex’s family...maybe I’ll just dress as a referee or something

I’m upset I’ll feel obligated to root for my country despite the fact I just watched her population hand the White House to an insane racist, but, it is what it is.

This is good and I hope this comment gets the recognition it deserves despite the feeling of hopelessness that has fallen over everyone

+14 Stations of the Cross

These guys are really #MadOnline

Yeah. On top of heaps of republican women jumping ship, I think the reasonable Republicans will do the same (they do exist). I also think Trump will lose more supporters to a protest vote (McMullin) than Clinton will

I’d be lying if I don’t catch myself riffing on Stormtroopin’ once in a while. I don’t feel good about it, though.

He is a hack guitarist. All his songs are the same C to D double stop combo in some variation. His soling is just not very good at all. I’ve not listened to any of songs in quite some time. He was kinda cool when I was 15, but that was before he went nuts after Obaam got elected.

smh. Political Correctness at work Again! Thanks OBAMA

God dammit. This has only made me think of my grandfather as he creeps ever closer to the other side. If one of these Buffalo teams pulls off a title before he goes...I will do something drastic to properly demonstrate my elation.

On the jersey wearing:

“Mediocre White Man” will be etched on my headstone

“Throughout the entire duration of this ten-thousand year long campaign, neither has offered any viable solution as to what they’ll do to replace Obamacare about anything.”

I am not sure if RoboCalls can be targeted towards specific households, but why in the fuck would you introduce yourself as a white nationalist outside of a rally? Even though the GOP has by and large embraced the crazy, there are moderate Republicans.

I can confirm this is, in fact, the dildo. The red material on the lower border of the photo is the padding on the corner wall. The marital aid was eventually kicked by photographers and security staff until it came to rest at the wall.

I have seen more Hillary signs (2) in my slice of white suburbia than Trump signs (1).

No, that was One punch? Man!

“Here’s some genuinely good things Marshawn does”

Many very smart people are saying this dinner was a meeting with representatives from NAMBLA.