Bok Choy

Yeah, if the owner’s there, you talk to them. You ask if the dog is friendly and if you can pet them (if that’s what you want and of course it is). With that out of the way, you have a good chance at the dog liking you already and the hand sniff is just a good way to make first contact.

I was hard pressed on either going gorilla arms or mantis blades, but I definitely ended up going mantis. I’m dumping a ton into blades so I’m also rocking a really nice katana at all times. Either way, agreed, melee is a whole different beast from being a hack monster, it’s pretty fun. 

That’s what I’ve always said. Good game, bad sequel. Not least because our beloved CT characters are offed by frickin’ Dalton of all people.

What’s worse, people not having a mic and making a raid slightly more difficult or a dev LITERALLY locking people out of end game content and end game rewards (that they’ve paid for btw)? Also, what a way to ensure new players don’t stick around or even bother giving the game a try....I lost count of the number of

Why in the world should it be illegal for one organization to say “We don’t want to work with this other organization”? 

Everything getting shifted to video really fucked us over eh

It’s good that you - and others - get something you like. I did mean “crap” as in “subjectively crap”, of course.

respect on the diligent response. some folks are upset you came with receipts, I’m glad you’re trying to keep professional game reviewers to a higher standard.

Came here for this: I loved Owlboy’s art direction and writing, but the lack of tactile platforming and impact-based platforming the whole thing felt unsatisfying to play. 

Years later, my hollow knight remains stuck on one boss. Cuphead can eat a dick too.

If you do see crows in your neighborhood, get a bag - a big bag - of unsalted peanuts. toss a few around a small area of lawn, sit back and patiently wait. When they show up, shake a few peanuts and toss them to the crows. You can usually do this about three or four times then keep hold of the peanuts and they will

You get me. 

Or the similarly titled “Gone Baby Gone.”


The staple doesn’t stop the letter from bending, like a large paperclip might. 

smaller footprint, and they bend easy.

Absolutely. For right turns, the shorthand is “turn from the curb.” It’s really important if you’re around cyclists, as they will often try to undertake you (pass on the right), which can lead to them getting hooked. Yes, they shouldn’t do it, but let’s be honest, neither drivers nor cyclists have ever had any real

Yup, and if your tie is tighter than your collar... well, you’re doing it wrong.  The tie goes on the outside, champ.

I’m not sure this author has much going on upstairs so a little blood restriction probably won’t change anything