Bok Choy
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What? No mention of Cheech and Chong a version of My Sharona?

I agree. Any fruit (watermelon) veggie’s  tastes much better cold then room temperature. AND that includes bananas-actually bananas last longer in the refg chrisper box then outside

It also keeps them from getting ripe too quickly. This is great especially in summer. The only downside is that if you leave them in the fridge for too long, they turn black but that’s just the skin only. Everything else is still fine.

Watermelon is SO MUCH better cold from the fridge.

Cold bananas?? that never even occurred to me. I’ll have to try it.

I like most of my fruit cold too. I keep apples in the fridge even though they say you shouldn’t because they are so much better when they are cold.

Anything juicy is better cold, I think.

So, Gus Portokalos, the father in was right?

She apologized - sincerely! And cried. That I’d pack and leave based on typical mean girl behavior surprised her. She will still be a bit snarky, but never has been as mean as she once was.

Pack the day after arriving for Christmas when she starts snarking about something.

Clineres are made of plastic, and have a bristle-like end on one side, and a scoop-like end on the other. You can definitely clean and disinfect them. But I found the problem with using a older Clinere is that the whole thing breaks in half. The plastic where you hold it is much more brittle than it appears, and will

Your story sounds remarkably familiar. Years ago I was at a wedding where my friend’s very drunk wife got into a huge argument with an aunt of the bride over a floral centerpiece. This led to the end of a 20-year friendship between the groom and my friend who was also one of his groomsmen. 

I don’t know what pro-wasp lobby got a hold of everyone at Lifehacker, but this is the second article in as many weeks saying that wasps are fine. THEY ARE NOT FINE.

They absolutely DO throw shade, not just at humans either - I have 3 (all adoptees into our crazy house), and I have seen the older dog totally side-eye the youngest dog when he is doing something shady. I even have seen him eye-roll (multiple times - on cue) when our younger dog gets caught doing something naughty...

Absolutely! And tell me that dogs don’t feel guilt, every single dog I’ve ever come across who’s done something bad, with their ears down and avoiding eye contact, tell me that’s not guilt! I think dog / animal emotions are just not as complex as human emotions, or they have their own set of emotions maybe similar to

Agreed. After I read that I had to check back to make sure this article wasn’t only focused on people who were navigating the summer after high school graduation, because otherwise that reasoning makes absolutely no sense! Some people change so much... don’t our brains not even finish developing until ~25 yo.

Mr. Baseball. A film that combined two of my favorite things. Baseball and 90s Japanese culture.

Totally agree - it was a piece of crap

I thought to myself yesterday that as an indie adventure game from Squenix, True Colors would be a great match for GamePass, and here they are confirming it one day later. Nice!

You are some kind of special. Every drunk i know (including me) says theyre going to do that, but they never do.

I’m always annoyed that all Zelda-likes that I’ve found don’t actually take the parts that I enjoy about Zelda, just take the parts that I don’t care about, and then add in a bunch of things from other games that I hate. I don’t like the direction the franchise has been going in, and I’ve struggled to find something