
Something something internet tough guy... something something actual SUV’s with actual body guards actually heavily armed...

The team is now claiming it was an indirect attempt to honor the Native American tradition of bartering.

As a CG aviator, please, no... Flying boats are cool, but there’s a reason we don’t have them anymore.

Said before, say it again. The Coast guard is the only service that really pulls its own weight and gets value for tax dollars. It is criminal it gets so overlooked.

I think I’m weird cause I kind of find that cute.......???

$1500 != Bank, unless you live in Missouri.

Good news Jet fans! You now get to see Brady win in New York on a weekday!

Injuring another person as a “sport” and not as a defensive last resort is barbaric.

Obviously I don’t find it disgusting because I enjoy using it in food. \_(ツ)_/

When I was a kid, I used to get hammered on Woodchuck and Hornsby’s.

You can start your response with something like, “you are 100% correct sir.”

This is the dick pic I send to all the ladies I know on the Twitter.

Is it just me or is she not that great of a pornstar? Terrible looking boob job and sub par skills. I feel like people are into her because they get to watch a middle eastern woman fuck. Or maybe it’s just her social media presence.

10:21 am BREAKING Cuban now driving through downtown San Antonio, looking for the place in the Mercado for fresh chorizo. CORRECTION: He is looking for Mexican sausage. CORRECTION TO THE CORRECTION: My sources are telling me chorizo IS Mexican sausage and that tweeting about sausage reveals subconscious homosexual

Fist of Legend is a remake of Lee’s 1972 movie The Chinese Connection, the one where Lee avenges his teacher’s murder by walking into a Japanese karate dojo and fucking up every last son of a bitch in it.

I, for one, will greet this with arms wide open. While torn, I hope that Creed can overcome the inner-struggle that is his own prison and sacrifice to discover what this life is for. Only in America. I am ready.