I always enjoy it when people complain about a song I’ve never heard before being overplayed.
I always enjoy it when people complain about a song I’ve never heard before being overplayed.
He’ll be elected to our Florida Senate next cycle I’m sure.
“Tell them: ‘Oh, you didn’t knock it down. If someone did, and I know it isn’t you, I guess something happened to make that child push their sibling’s tower down. I wonder what that child must have been feeling. If you find out who that child is, could you tell them that I won’t be upset? There won’t be a punishment.…
Just give me more Beastars. I’m not interested in those two girls.
They didn’t have to go with Yoko Kanno is the thing. Any number of adaptions have went the route of using a new composer. I don’t know how familiar you are with Cowboy Bebop and it’s fans, but Yoko Kanno’s score for the show was always at the heart and soul of the series. Netflix getting this right shows that they…
I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:
Right? This read like she was almost forced to write it.
It’s not *quite* accusing someone of Nazi sympathies because they once owned a VW Beetle made in the ‘70s, but it’s only a step or two removed from it.
Its not cooperative, but the gameplay loop is simple enough that my daughter and I take turns with battles and activities at the Inn. You can create Miis of each of you to have in your party.
Agreed. We need to do proper science. If we are going to carve out competition for women, we have to agree on a what a woman is.
Wow, this is like an old-school AVC article. Probably, what, 10000 words about rock music and not a single attempt to make it Politically Relevant. More of this please!
There’s an easy solution here people. Stop buying 2k games.
I have read a lot of things about Roblox that suggests that it is a cesspool of creepers and have not allowed my kids to play it. Have things changed?
What’s more notable is the kind of movie he’s starring in. This isn’t a feckless attempt to plug a popular SNL performer into a dopey timekiller, like, say, Dana Carvey’s Opportunity Knocks. It’s also not a too-soon spinoff for popular characters, like what A Night At The Roxbury tried to do for Will Ferrell and Chris…
No.. what he means is, if it was near the riots, then accidental damage is to be expected.. (like parking next to a fire hydrant.. are you really surprised when the fire department damages your car to get to the hydrant?.. they have a job to do).
Fuck him. Charge the guy with damaging private property but then Smith with felony battery.
I don’t think she voted for Trump at all, and it dangerous to automatically equate racism with political affiliation. I also think that she honestly, truly believes she isn’t racist. She is of course - but I’m sure she’s the typical example of a white person who votes for the right people, “has black friends” yet…
I especially love that the rescue took the dog back from her. I guarantee you, this woman is the type of Karen who takes her dog into normally dog-free areas, and when people ask her to leave because it’s not a licenced service animal, she snaps back that “Don’t you know he’s a rescue? He’ll feel abandoned and have a…