This Mambo Kills Fascists
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Okay. Time for my classic showbiz story of the day (about real stars with real talent).

I hear ya. But don’t worry, after that feeling subsides... I will be right here waiting for you.

They were together for 21 months, 5x longer than Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney. 

You forgot Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett! (For my fellow Gen-Xers out there...)

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Took me awhile to find this. It represents my general attitude toward the whole situation.

These kids today are amateurs. The fastest big star journey from courtship to marriage to divorce in Hollywood was in 1964: Ethel Merman (her 4th) and Ernest Borgnine (his 3rd). They were both already huge stars and she was 56; he was 47 (both old enough to have known better and not been so impulsive).

I would love to know how many people decrying racism on this board are actually of south asian descent like myself. Not all of us were/are offended. Some of us appreciated the inclusion 25 years ago when the rest of you white devils refused to even acknowledge our existence. Should the role have been recast in time?

The organic obsession is another thing that drives me bonkers. I had a friend’s stepmom turn down a piece of pie because I didn’t use organic berries. Literally put her fork down and pushed a slice of pie away.

Keto as a lifestyle is one of the dumbest fucking things people are doing. I see numerous facebook acquaintances posting about their “keto diet” and I just want to scream “YOU ARE LITERALLY STARVING YOUR BODY OF VITAL NUTRIENTS. YOU NEED CARBS FOR YOUR BRAIN TO FUNCTION.” Ketogenic diets are fine in the short term for

Can Naomi and her cell phone come out of retirement to smash them both in the face?

He knows what’s in that rain.  You don’t want what’s in that rain.

Ahh yes, can’t go wrong with the ol’ Georgi Markov Type 2. It’s lightweight, with a burnished wood handle, aluminium ribbing, and a secure latch closure. The favored umbrella of KGB staffers for decades!

Idiots? You must have been on team tank for Tiananmen Square. This post is so fatuous it's offensive.

That’s got to be a tense moment for the Russian Secret Service given that so many of the otherwise indistinguishable umbrellas are polonium-tipped.

He knows what he put in those clouds. 

All I see is a weak leader who is scared of a few raindrops.

Imagine for a moment, that you are a female civil rights activist in Putin’s Russia. Now, you know that no matter what you do, if you actually succeed in your goal of drawing attention to the horrendous state of human rights in your country, you are going to go to jail. And you will be abused. And you may never get

Fuck your noise. Get it girls.

When Kris’s teenage daughters Kylie and Kendall told her they weren’t doing well in school because they were missing too many days due to “modeling work” - her response was not to cut back on modeling and restrict work to vacations and an occasional weekend. Nope, Kris pulled them out of school and let them use some

Good fucking lord. This is like the whole myth of Jessica Simpson being a Billionaire. Anyone who works in merchandising can tell you THE BRAND is worth (allegedly) 800M at RETAIL. She is getting her cut from wholesale, which would be about 375-4o5M. Her cut is based on a royalty, likely 12% given her clout. This