I want to say one word to you. Just one word: PETase.
I want to say one word to you. Just one word: PETase.
In my wild ‘n youthful days, committed cokeheads grew their pinkie nail long and used it to scoop the blow and shove it up the nostril. Or, at the chic end of the spectrum, wore a little gold tube on a chain around the neck.
Hot taek:
Not the OP, but I have a nice celeb anecdote for ya:
Haha! Well, in ancient Rome, oftentimes patrician daughters were not even given actual personal names (praenomen) but rather just went by the feminized version of their dad’s name. So you would have multiple sisters all called “Livia” or “Iulia,” with only an ordinal adjective tacked-on to distinguish one from the…
Of course! Those were two of my favorite books as a young ‘in. On a recent trip to France I made it a point to visit Chateau d’If, the medieval island fortress off the coast of Marseille where Count of Monte Cristo spent 20 years. “His cell” was marked, as was Abbé Faria’s. Lots of nesting seagulls on the little…
Is that the one with the wormholes? I believe I started it at one point but never finished it. Will give it another go. Thank you!
Lovely suggestion! I DID read at least one or two volumes in the “Accursed Kings” series when I was in high-school! I remember finding it a bit difficult to sink my teeth into after my beloved Alexandre Dumas romps through French historical fiction.
Dear historical fiction nerds: Any suggestions for historical fiction set in medieval France? 🇫🇷💓
I wanna say in American English the “e” in Kelly is longer and more open, like “ae” in “sundae.” Maybe in British pronounciation, it’s a shorter, snappier “e.” Though frankly I am mostly making this up and am equally puzzled!
The commenter is airing an infamous Polanski quote, dearie. Do keep up.
Her relentless come-hither gesticulation and comical oral fixation read a little forced, a little desperate to me. Like Xtina is worried she will no longer be perceived as sexy in her late 30s without striking the porniest poses and singing about “fill me up.”
This was a moving and engrossing read.
Rest easy, friend. The curated life is but a mirage, the Coachella dream in actuality an aggressively stinky nightmare. I did Coachella twice, 2005 and 2007. I was there in a professional capacity, had “wristbands o’ privilege,” backstage access, gamboled around that stupid VIP area where there’s shade & they mist you…
Now that you put it this way, maybe there is something to it.. I’m willing to let it roll around in my head, in the spirit of self-reflection.
Yes and no.
Now that is.. impressive.
It was never my intention to draw a direct comparison between Trump & Cardi B. Perhaps I should have expressed my sentiments more carefully.
She is as vulgar as the Trumpster in chief. The pop star this age deserves..