
Cool with me. I’ll stick to Android. 

Well... the whole point here is that they’re banning dissenting voices.

Okay, so you agree, they have criminalized and cracked down on whistleblowing to cover their ass because of the massive quantity of war crimes they commit. All the more reason to undermine U.S. Army recruitment, don’t you think?

And in reality, if you don’t do what you’re told, you will be shit upon from great height. Look what they did to Chelsea Manning for exposing U.S. war crimes.

is it appropriate to antagonize people that served our country?

The difference is that TV commercials don’t have live comments.

The streamers chose to act as a liasons to a nation’s military via propaganda targeted at young people—up to and including minors--while also partaking in erasing valid points brought up regarding said military’s actions on foreign soil in the services of oligarchs.

This streamers are complicit in a us army propaganda campaign, so no.

This shit is honestly hilarious if you take it at face value.

This isn’t hackers, this is probably an officially sanctioned operation by some Super PAC to make it look like hackers are trying to besmirch Trumps name and garner sympathy for him, because he needs a win.

A whole bunch of people are going to lose work, and a bunch more work is going to the shitcan because someone has an opinion you don’t agree with. You people are all fucked. Every fucking one of you. Fucked.

Hey man, trans people are dying, but please cry more for video games not being purchased enough. That is the hill to die on, FOR SURE.

Maybe don’t take projects from known bigots.  You are who you get in bed with.  

Seriously. Deescalation here is just 4 signed arrest warrants.

And there it is. Congrats AlphalLolz, you win the prize for being the first to equate murder and property damage. I just hope everyone else here understands the obscenity of your comment and your attitude. To you, damaging some stuff and destroying a human life are equivalent transgressions.

All they have to do is perp walk a murdering cop. Instead they arrest CNN.

This is super weird, I just watched it, and instead of saying ‘Oh La La!’ Marty clearly and loudly exclaimed ‘Maclunkey!’ and then the movie continued as normal.

Fun facts:

It’s one of the most common objections I hear to the cooperative model. Which is funny, because if everyone has a vote, and everyone feels that there should be a single lead or director to hold the vision for one aspect of a project...then as a group they can elect to make that happen. People confuse actual democracy