
Not actually how that works. By providing you with the situations in the referenced episodes in South Park and explaining how the attached concepts work, I provided you every bit of explanation you demanded.

You chose to ignore that, and continue to insist on an explanation that had been delivered—with evidence and

And there it is.

I believe we’re done here.

Man, Arnheim thoroughly eviscerated you here. Does it hurt to know that the higher-functioning element of the populace is laughing at your views when they aren’t trying to teach you how to be a better human?

I’ve provided you with contextualized examples that explain in full what you’re asking for. The show wouldn’t bother naming a character (who was the only black character apart from Chef on the show for a significant length of time) Token if it weren’t directly referencing tokenism in media, which used to be a standard

What name did I call him?

“Killing people is part of the job” No, see, that thinking is part of the problem. Look at law enforcement kill figures in most European countries. We MAKE it a part of the job when it doesn’t need to be. Arming cops like soldiers at war is not the way to go about fixing that issue.

Our overwhelming desire to avoid the Boogeyman of Sharia law has led down a rather ironic path.

If they’re that quick to say fuck it and turn their backs on their duties, they shouldn’t be public servants. Easy.

Then why did all the “good” cops let the one lone “bad” cop do what he did? Why did they make excuses for him afterwards? Why did the “bad” cops colleague tell the hospital staff that he didn’t care what their policy was, he just wanted his blood sample?

I think the real issue is that if we had adequate mental health care in the U.S., Ricky Ard would not have been in the situation. Additionally, not only do cops need to be trained to deescalate, they specifically need to be trained in how to handle & deescalate situations involving mentally ill people.


you’d finely get fed up and say “Fuck it!” and either move to the dark side or just quit. Either way you lost a good cop.

I think most officers would call this dick-cop behavior. Most good cops tell you that it is pretty obvious that this asshole cop was being a bastard

If that were true, then he would have been stopped by the so-called “good cops” that were there who outnumbered him, right?

Yes, like all the “good cops” who stood around and watched their fellow cop go half-cocked against a nurse with absolutely zero legal justification for arresting her, let along putting his hands on her and assaulting her.

Thank you Ward Sutton.

Whatever happened to good old fashioned Brute Squads?

ICE = Trump’s Gestapo

That boyfriend is barely human. Human suit. I cannot even grasp this sort of cruelty and think of this person as made up of the same stuff as your average human.

It is so sadly predictable how republican fascist cowards can always find a new way to demonize and then brutalize the powerless.