
That wasn’t my experience. I was generally 1-3 levels below the main quests. I didn’t enjoy, and thus would skip, the vast majority of the super repetitive side quests, though. 

It’s tied to a single theater chain, but AMC’s A-List subscription is actually a great deal.

They’re asking for a refund because the developers are cowardly little shits undeserving of support. The “power in the hands of the players” comments are nothing but worthless bullshit, as this article correctly points out. They are already backpedaling and lying about the statements they made regarding this mess,

In real life you don’t get to choose. So, I guess the Rust developers have run with the whole “realism” thing.

I’m pretty sure I read it focused on Rocket and his past. That of course is probably just rumors, and may be unfounded.

I think all major companies do this, and, in actuality, though I admit it sounds crass, labor is a resource. 

And, omnipotent, invisible cops able to cite you—instantly—for every infraction! I love this game.

God damn Nazis! I’d only shout 88 in a Delorean, myself.

That’s some shitty luck, really. I’m not saying they don’t need two-factor authentication, but if your accounts are getting hacked so frequently have you considered you may need to improve your password generation method?

The Switch, Nintendo’s newest console, doesn’t have a shopping cart either, just so you know. That stores “missing basic features” actually requires you to buy hardware. 

When did Epic say the store was finished?

I’m well aware of how the sale currently works. How about you provide this evidence you researched that Epic is purposely banning accounts because of the sale?

I was referring to Epic not Steam. 

Its not banning you for trying to get a deal. It’s banning you for making multiple purchases in a short span of time because they don’t have a shopping cart. I’m not suggesting this is any better, merely the situation. Clearly they need to improve.

Jesus, I never realized some clocks use IIII in place of IV to balance out VIII. Visually I totally get it why, but I personally can’t stand seeing it now. It unreasonably annoys me.

Hire more people!? Do you even Capitalism?

“Oh yeah, what a great product. Truly a contender for Steam. My boycott stays strong and increasingly vindicated.”

That's hilarious. I probably should have tossed an Oxford comma in there, though. I can totally see how you’d read it that way.

Well said. Far more accurate explanation than I was able to give.

Cooking spray has its uses for some types of baking and prep, so I always have a can around. I use olive oil, peanut oil and/or butter as required/preferred for the recipe I’m making.