
You’re drawing a comparison to the height of the Capone Mob prohibition era in Chicago. That’s supposed to be a favorable comparison?

This is just a bunch on non-sequitors with no real point...

The problem with this blog is that this has never happened, ever, to anyone.

What happened to him was super shitty and messed up, but that doesn't make this family any less insufferable. They're not mutually exclusive things.

His shitty quarter-assed “clock” does not qualify for admission to MIT. Clearly you don’t know what their standards are. MIT is not a charity for all of the people that perceive themselves as victimized.

I mean, I’m not sure what’s wrong with what they did here.

This headline is rubbing me the wrong way - it insinuates that this is somehow on par with other senseless murders. You can’t point a gun at the cops, I mean, what the fuck.

I’m pretty sure they do have footage of her with the shotgun — they said the social media content is not deleted and she fired several rounds. Also, I can’t imagine the police waiting out a seven hour standoff if she didn’t have a gun.

So some people went to the a movie featuring some of the most violent, sadistic characters in the DC universe and expected something else other than violence, sexism, over-the-top action, and machismo? Sometimes I wonder what are the qualifications to be a film critic. I guess the ability to breath is one of them.

I think his argument is that he had consensual sex with a woman and that she “changed her mind” and reported him for assault, and instead of approaching the matter “objectively,” they unfairly chose to believe the female victim and kangaroo-courted him because of said “pro-female, anti-male” bias. I.E., they only

They’re called fantasy and fiction books for a reason. I’m pretty sure that magic and dragons happen at an even less frequency that childhood friend marriages. ;)

Wiig and McCarthy are not funny at all...sorry, I know that a lot of people like them for some reason, but the only thing I’ve ever seen from either of them that I liked was Wiig’s guest spots on Arrested Development.

This is the right decision. Of course her testimony is relevant to their case. In my opinion, she’s lucky they are sealing the deposition. I have yet to see any facts which suggest she was, in fact, a victim of anything. That being said, it’s always good to be cautious and I applaud the judge for finding a nice

My favorite part of that whole disaster was something along the lines of somebody asking:

But he is right. There is a vocal set of people who are committed to “believing survivors/accusers” based on nothing other than the fact that they have accused someone of sexual assault. This describes many commenters here on Jezebel. It ignores any interest in finding the actual truth and is a bananas way of going

Oh my god. Shut up. these guys are connected to the French attackers, who moved freely through Syria and Europe pretending to be migrants. You don’t know what you are talking about, you just want to score some political points.

Not that I give two shits either way about this stupid bullshit - but it’s certainly possible for a person to want to control the boob size of their character in a video game, while also being strongly against child porn.

No one’s going to allow you to break a contract just over an allegation. I fully believe Kesha’s claim, but until she wins the sexual assault case in court, a judge isn’t going to let her out of a contract because of it - especially when the defendant has offered a reasonable accommodation (she doesn’t have to work

That's the issue the judge was asked to adjudicate. This isn't a sexual assault case. It's a contract dispute. If and when the allegations are proven in court, the issue could and should be heard again. Until then, you can't invalidate the contract because of an accusation. That's a very slippery slope.