
Caring about Trayvon Martin

Whoa whoa whoa
I think you’re looking for the Mary Sue, which is another shitty man-hating blog in itself.

Gee... I don’t see Koreans, Indians, or Russians shooting each other up in high numbers

meow gotta be kitten me, I found this movie purrfect

There were plenty of Non-Europeans in specific areas of the European and African campaign of World War II. Not to mention there were even some African and Asian soldiers that fought for Nazi Germany.

Are you mad? The fact is Mattel easily could have (a) lied about projections by reducing the speculated gross sales or (b) have a speculated gross that was initially low. There is no fiscal amount presented which makes this theory possible if not plausible.

Likewise, a 84 mill gross is nothing to be impressed about

She is literally feeding us trolls; it’s entertainment in which she adds fuel to the fire. If you ignore it, the interest dies down and we bastardize something else.

I’m jerking off to Jezebel’s collective anger.

As a Hindu/Buddhist
Blizzard has my acceptance to use the skin

Trigger Warning:
Fuck Islam.

While I understand Europe, what about the Middle East?
I know there has been really shitty stuff in the past too (Saddam, etc)
but it would be interesting to see the scale of violence for the non-european sphere too.

Calm down cuck

There’s this assumption that there is such a thing as non-lethal force, when it actuality it should be called less-lethal force, but going back on what you said it’s an issue of costs and benefits.

If they were to tranquilize the suspect it would
(a) Take a measureable amount of time to disable the suspect
(b) The

It depends on how you look at it;

It’s pretty sad to see a nation that didn’t fall for the politicized islam bullshit starting to crumble once again. Here’s hoping ISIS, AQ, and Jamaat get shot in the streets like the dogs they are.

Say what you want about the man, but his taco bowls are delicious

I would agree but is it THAT hard to overlook a bit of sexy? Regardless, it’s understandable to take things in context but it feels like BS that someone with tracers figure wouldn’t flaunt it at least ONCE hence her single pose. Humans aren’t unchanging.

Which we can agree goes both ways - I’m tired of the left and the right acting like babies about content in games they dont like. Let the developers do their goddamn jobs and if you don’t like something DONT PLAY IT.

I would say bitch on a forum or something but apparently that gets results nowadays

Here’s the thing though Patrick, as someone who’s had friends in the dancing biz, they need revenue regardless of the venue, and the fact that companies are less likely to organize events like this, means they get less contracts. This in turn it means they have to dance in less reputable events where shit does go down

I’m sorry but I was linked an article from Metro, which is typically center or, if slanted, left, in which they cited her as saying