
I feel a lot of things about the Simpsons being on the air for more than 20 years, feeling bad about not watching it isn’t one of them

I’ll be contrarian here: I’ve caught some episodes over the last few seasons and they’ve been good. Not as good as the golden years obviously, and it often feels like a different show, but it’s a different show that is pretty good. They occasionally come close to that perfect mix of silliness, parody, and heart that

This latest season has been quite good. It's never going to be season 4 - 8 again, but it's a lot better than it has been in years. 

There have been some terrific episodes since then but no one is going to pretend that the ratio of good to bad isn’t much worse than it was in the classic years.

The LEGO, pro wrestling and Futurama episodes are pretty good but you're not even missing that much there. 

I couldn’t agree more. That is how i read that in my head as well. 

Real heads (old people) know.

the law being broken is “breach of contract”

I can’t believe this needs to be explained to people... street dates aren’t federal or state laws ffs

if someone ships something to you in your name it is yours, whether or not it was an accident. It is mail with my name on it. I own it now.

To everyone in the comments: It’s okay. You can admit what DeSantis is doing is absolutely an authoritative abuse of power without having to hem and haw about Disney to try and keep your “progressive” credibility.

But the whole stolen thing you keep on about is really a breach of contract between WotC and the retailer, not the end consumer. There is no expectation of honoring a street date with the end buyer. 

I can 100% guarantee you that guy is a Republican.

Some people just need to get beat up once in a while to give their Narcissisms a check. Though I am glad it ended peacefully.

Rare...made me think of this:

Genuine question: for IV through VI, why wouldn't the SNES/SFC originals be the definitive versions? 

You looked at the trailer, which purported to show gameplay, and you are saying: that ISN’T gameplay, but a scripted scene, and it will look worse when a person is able to play it.

I think it’s pretty hilarious that you can trick an AI into doing things just by telling it to pretend to be someone else.

This shit’s getting out of hand. In the past few weeks I’ve witnessed some really bitter enmity and heated arguments between otherwise good-natured and chill people—and LGBTQ/allies all!—just because someone inevitably will express an interest in at least trying the game, having grown up with the HP franchise...