As someone who once had a freight train—with a consist including over a dozen 29,000 gallon tankers full of gasoline—derail near their house, threatening an East Coast reenactment of the Whatcom Creek explosion...
As someone who once had a freight train—with a consist including over a dozen 29,000 gallon tankers full of gasoline—derail near their house, threatening an East Coast reenactment of the Whatcom Creek explosion...
So their evidence this kid caused the crash is that he had a camera there when the train came through?
And somebody’s already moved into your old place! That’s the real kicker! (Except in this case, it’s like the same realtor who sold you the new house sold your old place out from under you.)
Elite, TokiMemo, SimCity, Ultima, Metroid.... All incredibly influential games which—if not single-handedly, then with the help of only one or two others at most—defined their respective genres. 😌👌
Grinding in RPGs appeals to the worst aspects of my diseased mind. 😓
Sure would be nice if they could do better than a $39.99 sale price on Mario Kart. I mean, seriously? It’s like, what? 7 years old now? (A decade if you count its original non-Deluxe incarnation.) And they’re still trying to sell it for full price? When are they finally going to sell it for like twenty bucks? When…
Well, YEAH. 😬 But still, I’m talking about how, like, an entire generation of voice actors and creatives seemed to be dying pretty much specifically of lung cancer. (And those of them who didn’t smoke like chimneys were surrounded by people who did.)
This is also why I was surprised to hear it wasn’t cancer. It often seems like anybody in Japan who doesn’t make it to their 80s or 90s dies of cancer...
Look on the bright side; the venue could be struck by a freak meteor, and even take out anyone awful enough to shell out to see that nonsense in person. 😏🤞
who said that veteran porters “routinely [test] fitter and healthier than elite athletes.” That’s pretty wild.
What exactly was their endgame here? It’s not like they could have taken the money and ran before anybody realized, right? So, this was basically just griefing. Christ, it’s so inane and banal that it’s utterly fucking exhausting. 🤦♂️
This is a game franchise that has rideable ducks, for fuck’s sake, why can’t Aerith be a goat?
So this is what they’re doing instead of banning...oh, I don’t know...the literal Nazis?! 🤦♂️
Does this really surprise anyone? Kids can easily be the biggest assholes in the universe.
Wow, I forgot about the ads! But yeah, came with cards. There was also a mail-in or something with NP to get a pizza air freshener? I had one—sealed it back up in a little ziploc and put it in the guide—but I always remembered it as being a preorder bonus or something. I’d cut a mofo to get my childhood copy of…
Yeah, I don’t get why people compare it to GTA... Maybe uhh, “Shenmue if Rockstar Games made it” or something goofy like that would be a better analogy? 🤣 Since it’s a life simulator with an overarching dramatic story it’s trying to tell, but it’s also got over-the-top violence and an off-beat sense of humor. 🤔
“Now”? Someone clearly never owned EarthBound. 😏
I’ve got a Sofmap receipt here on my desk dated 92-09-27 for a Super Famicom copy of Dragon Quest V... ¥9,850 after 3% sales tax.