I'm fully willing to believe that you orchestrated an argument just to build better cover for your sockpuppetry.
I'm fully willing to believe that you orchestrated an argument just to build better cover for your sockpuppetry.
Though he is a developer for Nintendo, Sakurai is not hung up on brands. "Whether it's Nintendo or Sony, Japanese or Foreign, I don't care about picking sides." Sakura said, explaining his stance. "I work hoping that the future of games and the game business will be more fun." That said, Sakurai seemed very impressed…
Hello there docseuss. Nice sockpuppet you got there.
As creator of tent-pole franchises like Kirby or Super Smash Bros. you might think Masahiro Sakurai is a pure bred Nintendo loyalist. So what do you think he has to say about Sony's newest console?
It's like 'being healthy.' It's easy to forget that things that come naturally are the most valuable.
I look forward to DocSeuss's arrival on this story to tell us all about how Sony is the worst company in the world and their fans are the biggest trolls in the world.
Aside from that, I would give anything for Sakurai to make something for the PS4.
It's.... like seeing the burger's brain.
You're just jealous he's close to reaching one million virginity points.
Is this how he protects his virginity?
I lost a brother, and have seen what my parents have gone through.
We're being pedantic now? http://www.diffen.com/difference/Emp… no, the ability to put yourselves in their place mentally/emotionally = empathy, obviously its easy to be empathetic if you've experienced the same but it isn't mandatory.
it's called "empathy". Try to get some - it'll help you be a better person.
Its a figure of speech and isnt to be taken literally. It just means i can empathise and imagine how hard it must be.
Wow, this is an amazing story. I'm glad her parents felt encouraged by it, but at the same time it must have been very sad. I can feel their pain...
Not to necessarily condone the language of the guy with random letters for a name, but I hope you can understand how your words might come off as kind of dickish.
Wow Naughty Dog really?!
Fuck off.
Gee. I thought it looked pretty bad ass. I am a product of the 80's. It is my childhood he has forever changed... and yet I found 1 and 3 pretty decent and there were parts of 2, parts..., that were salvagable.
The wiiu has sold like 6 million or close as well hasn't it? That's 1.5 million more than the xbox one. Not sure why it's thrashed so much. I know it had year head start but so did the 360 last gen and that never bothered people. Nintendo also has the 3ds and it's sold over 40 million or something. Seems to me they…