
I hadn't heard of them either till a few years ago when I went on a tirade to get every Horror and RPG game for the PS1-PS2 that had released in the US. Eventually they crossed my list and were a pain to find but really worth it. They have a pretty rough "end game" though. Like 90% the game you can get by just doing

I wasn't aware Tecmo was working on a new one. I'm glad its got a US release will definitely be getting it.

Someone explain body (not sex) censorship to me in a way that keeps the explainer sounding sane to me please.

This is the subtle fatal flaw with capitalism: shareholders wanting a quick buck then selling their shares.

I have nothing but praise for Iwata's integrity here. Really awesome and refreshing to see this kind of long-term perspective in the video games industry, when companies like SquareEnix are starting to embrace the quick payday of smartphone development. Nintendo has always tried to be a little different than the

Can you read?

When I see things like this, I'm almost convinced its more than one person sharing the same account.

"Thats nice, Sony acknowledged one of its bigger fans by giving him a trophy..."

I was thing the exact same thing.

Then just don't comment.

I think he means, like, what white trash would be for us, but for Japanese culture. Not literally translated to white trash.

This doesn't seem to be even tangentially related to video games or any form of gamer culture. Short of a really narrow stereotype that frankly I'd expect better than from Kotaku.

Hasn't aged well at all. Not as timeless as it used to be. LttP was by far superior. Always been more partial to MM myself.

So will your PS4 destroy your PS3 in an epic robotic console war??? I don't see how everything will be obsolete, you will still have your PS3.

This probably won't make you feel better, but sometimes that gut-wrenching scream you hear is them mating. Cats make some blood-curdling screaming and growling noises when they copulate. So um, the next time you hear that sound, know that somewhere within earshot of you, some Tom is about to make it rain. Boo-yeah.

HA! My response of Fahey's post was very similar to yours and I hadn't seen your post yet. Demon cat fights for sure! Very eerie sounding critters when they are pissed!

That and the 'lovely' sounds of all night cat brawls going on. Neighbor lady used to feed cats next door and then she moved away to her family somewhere else after suffering from a fall and left these cats to fight it out for survival. It's like the OK Coral every night outside of my house. That and I have about 10

not bad . not bad at all