
I love living and working in Japan. But I hate to say it...the majority of decisions made in the workplace make no sense. A friend of mine said it best recently:

Maybe, you ask too many questions.

The only winning move is not to play.

I don't get it either. People eat on the trains all the time. Commuter trains as well.

I’m curious as to what Brian considers eating on the train, because people eat on the train all the time here in Japan. Maybe he means things like bento? Even then I’ve seen people do that. Heck, the Green cars (reserved seating) is usually people practically having picnics!

:::cancels order:::

Oh please! I can’t roll my eyes fucking back enough...

30 million VR headsets......bwhahaha!!!

Love Kyoto. Would love to move to the Kansai area, actually. Get away from these ol’ Kanto plains...

You know, I always used to consider Square Enix as the most bat-shit insane Japanese video game company out there, but I'm fairly confident Konami deserves that title now. I'm mean, they're just.....ugh...

It’s only Amazon? That and zero advertising. They really sent this one out to die, huh?


Well, yes. In theory. As would other products as well. But Japan is actually worried about imports, not exports.

Separate issues. Although I wouldn’t doubt that a “no shit the US is spying on you” argument would be used by some politicians to encourage those involved not to sign the agreement. Still, the reasons for not agreeing to the TPP are much different and have been a point of contention long before the issue of spying

It doesn’t seem to be that (the TPP) is going to happen, at least not in Japan anyway. Japan does not want to budge an inch with trade talks for fear of destroying its domestic market, particularly rice (among others). Cheap imports mean many farms-which are already subsidized by the government in the first

Richard is right. It really is a destination location, meaning you go there with a purpose in mind and get the hell out of there. If it’s the first time going of course it’s really interesting. But it’s the last place I ever want to hang out in.

Who the fuck wrote that, Yoda? Gibberish nonsense. Google translate is not your friend.

While yes, funny haha smelly gaijin stereotype is funny, the majority of people who smell like absolute BO are the Japanese. The irony being foreigners actually know what the fuck deodorant is and use it.

The guys handing out tissues get more respect. At least with them you get something for free. Personally I can't stand them. Pushy, fake, and more frequently targeting unsuspecting foreigners. I brush them off and pretend they don't exist. And that's the nice guy approach...although I suppose the fake losers begging

No shit! I immediately saw breasts before I even read the headline. Then I go into comments and read everyone commenting about butts and balls.