
Not really. I could not be more against this article. But it has nothing to do with me, nor does it matter what I think. It's also not worth my time explaining why I'm against it.

Cool, thanks a lot!

I wonder how heel support his fetish now that he's going to prison. Socks to be him!

Who is the second artist? Reminds me of Wilco.

Thanks for the info, but I have a Japanese Dreamcast. Not a North American one.

Really? I didn't know that! Wow, this opens a whole new realm of possibilities. Thanks!

Is this compatible with a Japanese Dreamcast? Because that's all I have!

It sits next to the TV. I'm hoping he can help me get some of the massive amount of money I spend on games back.

Where is "here" exactly?

You're gonna have a long wait...

Hey, I have one of those cats! They're from a shrine in Tokyo where the manekineko originated from. Can't remember the name, sadly. Nice place! And that gif photo is directly from the shrine.

Bingo. Finally someone got it.

Wonderful. But I think that retirement has made you a bit rusty. ;-)

Just to add, the "volatility" is more than likely currency related. Not necessarily based entirely on company performance. The yen has fluctuated quite a bit, due to many factors of instability in the region.

This is incorrect. The only divisions that have consistently under-performed in the past few years are TV's and digital cameras. Although their camera division has been performing better this year due to some hot new cameras and certain professional hi-end video recorders (think pro movie makers).

Guess not, dork!

Dude. Fuck off. Really. Go be a fucking douchebag in another thread.

I get that. But I'm still left with the feeling this game is forever going to be in the shadow of MM. The comparisons will always be there, and might be this games downfall. Not to mention the hype and expectations that people have already. It's unrealistic.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

I don't see anything impressive about these screenshots. In fact, from a creative standpoint it seems as if he's trying to relive former glory.