
I really loved X-2. And I still think it has one of the best final bosses of all time. Well, for me anyways!

Now that is someone who needs glasses!

Ah I love Kyoto. The people there are so warm, friendly and...real. Out here in Kanto people are just too cold and predictable for my type of personality. I always tell my wife we should try our luck out there someday...

Try Don Quihote. That's normally where I see the most variety. I'm sure it also depends on location as well. If you're out in inaka you might not fare as well if you're in a big city.

Even the regular nacho cheese flavored Doritos are completely different when compared to the North American version. Very delicious!

Did you actually comprehend what I wrote?

Not really. Japanese driving requirements are extremely strict. I have no problem seeing while driving.

My wife and I call it "Ghana-rhea" chocolate.

I just renewed my Japanese driver's license. The efficiency in which the DMV operates is frighteningly good. But a huge pain-in-the-ass.

I played this at TGS last year. It's certainly a good looking game, and smooth as butter. But it really is just COD with mechs as killstreak rewards. Nothing groundbreaking or very interesting going on here.

Not at all, actually. But when you start questioning the sleeping habits of strangers, you might want to take your own advice. Or at least open a window and get some fresh air. Sorry, but your comments come off extremely creepy and unnatural.

Just an observation, but I feel the person who needs to get out more might be you.

Haha! I'll take that!

The problem I have with kit-kats in Japan is that they are so small! Waste of money. The only time I buy things like kit-kats, snickers, or M&M's is when I find the import versions. The one's made specifically for/ in Japan are really a joke.

Yes. Children's stories. Please be pedantic in another thread, thanks.

This idea that Japanese do not like American products/only want to support Japanese products is utterly false. I wish this assumption would die already.

I think it's fantastic, actually. Anything that gets kids interested in classic children's stories is fine by me.

Man, that game sucked!

Haha, I live here!

Yeah, they are rare. This is NOT a popular thing, and I think it's important to let people know that this is a niche, sub-culture phenomenon.