the actual bajmahal

I’m 26, straight, white, male, college-educated and liberal, and I’m terrified of Trump getting elected. I know full well that I’m privileged, but that sure as fuck won’t prevent me from losing my job when Hypothetical President Trump drives the US economy into the ground. And that absolutely is a when, not an if.

3 years? It’s at least 24 by my count!

It’s those people clinging to him that are now booing him. The ‘revolution’ is eating itself.

They are the Occupy people; we saw how that movement worked out.

Bernie or Bust-ers aren’t getting any more attention than the PUMAs did at this point in the 2008 election, though. They were an equally small percentage of Hillary primary supporters, and they were also covered as if they were a huge phenomenon that could singlehandedly hand the presidency to McCain.

If “not liberal enough” is your reason to not vote for Hillary when the alternative is *actual fascism*, your liberalism is just narcissism

These are the kind of supporters who would be disappointed when Bernie couldn’t finish his entire agenda in two years, forget to vote in the midterms, and then call him an ineffective president when a Republican Congress blocks all his legislation.

Am I starting to sound bitter about other Sanders supporters? That’s

Well, I’m not surprised poor Joni took a spill - those plastic bread bags are slippery!

He does look less like a deranged mouse with the beard.

Yeeeah, no. Random out-of-context photos taken at the precise moment when someone had their arm outstretched is not the same thing as ending a speech at the RNC by turning towards the image of your Overlord, actually doing the salute, and then awkwardly transition into a wave that you would have just done to begin

Nazis gonna Nazi.



Some Republicans chose not to attend and instead took their children to actual garbage fires (although probably not really).

I like how Tiffany is talking about what a great dad Trump is, yet the caption underneath reads “Grew up in Los Angeles, raised mostly by her Mom”

There actually was a very small group of Nazis there having a weird conversation with the cops. We walked past them and I nearly bumped into one when my husband exclaimed “WATCH OUT FOR THAT NAZI!!!” Really? Thanks babe. He just had to yell that. I’m not 19 trying to fight skinheads at shows anymore. I’m an adult with

It wasn’t too bad. I skipped cardio yesterday so I was due for a walk.

“Obama is the blackest worst president ever.”

Your comment made sense to me. Sorry for the pile-on.

It’s always funny to me that Clinton is considered dishonest but Trump has said so many things that turn out to be not true or false. Hm.