Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, mothafuckas!
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, mothafuckas!
“Finally! Finally I’m justified!” Yep. The need to bellow “I TOLD you so”, no matter how grotesque or horrible the situation, is some people’s primary motivating drive.
I think Trump just found his VP.
Looks like this asshole is going to get a visit from the Secret Service, huh?
Secret Service, please make sure it’s this guy and Not the delightful Joe Walsh who played guitar and sang with The James Gang and The Eagles.
Trump people got no reason
Social media and #activism created these self-aggrandizing, holier-than-thou shits with delusions of Herzog.
Really excellent piece.
you say potato she says taters
Teach your children America’s foundation built on the rule of law
Clinton has a long history of working for civil rights. If you actually did more than read memes on reddit, you would know what her history was.
Educate yourself on Sanders record, dear:
And let’s just be clear about what her use of “super predator” shows. It shows she was reading commentary from sociologists and trying to understand the point in time at which she was because it is much more difficult to know where things are heading when you are in the moment than it is to understand it with…
I honestly believe the “establishment” is a term borrowed from the ‘60s that has no relevance now for either Bernie or Hillary. I think Bernie pulled it out of his ass as a rallying cry from days of old. If there is an ‘establishment’ at all, Bernie, per his 30 years of being in Congress, WOULD BE IN IT. That’s it.
You do realize that at the time she used “super predator” it had been used once about a month and a half earlier in an article that referred to white and hispanic youths ALSO as super predators in some situations. It was not a racially tinged word until later. But of course you don’t because you can’t get that history…
Oh FFS. Sanders was not polling with any kind of real support at the time this stuff was written. It’s not unfair to support a strong front runner to try to make sure a Dem gets the nod. You know what Sanders supporters? HRC was also favored early on in 2007/8. You know what, a black man named Barack Hussein Obama…
Did anyone else note well that the story was being peddled by a right wing anti trump establishment donor? I smell a swift boat. Nothing is beyond the pale for the wing nuts. (why doesn’t my spell check work until after I click publish? :-(
The article is wrong on the little sourcing part. Trump has come up in the Epstein suit in which, the talkative Epstein took the 5th when asked about Trump. Trump bragged about being friends with Epstein and that he ‘liked his girlfriends on the young side’. Trump’s name also came up in the Anonymous hack of Epstein’s…
Another horrible logic I could see from the Trump campaign is their effort to paint Bill Clinton as a sexual predator rather than just the philanderer we all know he’s been. No one has ever been able to show that Bill’s done anything other than have consensual sex outside his marriage, but there have been repeated…
But the thing is, saying, “Well, even if it isn’t true it’s the sort of thing they’d do” is what Hillary has had to put up with for twenty-five years. Benghazi, Vince Foster, crackpipe Christmas decorations, flinging heavy objects at Secret Service people, secret email servers that leaked information to China,…