the actual bajmahal

A protest vote. You know, like voting third party because Bernie didn’t get the nomination...

Yeah, probably inappropriate, but still a great image.

It could be unable to actually fire bullets and she say “I’m about to shoot you with all the fucks I give”, raise her leg and aim, and then by like “wow, guess I don’t give a single fuck” when nothing comes out.

As long as she passes a background check and it holds fewer than 10 rounds, why not?

Depends... can you hide a phone in one?

Hey, that leg gun was fantastic. Duckworth would totally rock it! And it isn’t like Republicans could object.

I am ashamed to say it, but I LOLed.

Would donate to a Gofundme campaign.

The government is run by anti-government types that constantly claim that the government is broken. Why else are the ATF, TSA, VA failures?

Pam Bondi: “I was defending the constitution”

Pssh. Hillary is just Republican light, don’tchaknow? She’s barely got a progressive plank in her platform!

Feeding the subject of your interview talking points is just good journalism, obviously.

Former Bernie Supporter here. I worked for the Ralph Nader campaign in Alaska in 2000 (I was 16). We were all like, “THIRD PARTY!! Bush and Gore are EXACTLY the same.” I’m happy I had that experience. And then had the experience of living in horror and shame as my country engaged in pre-emptive war and violated

How’s this for weird?

Her speech, with its references to Seneca Falls and all the history that came before, was in perfect tune.

A bird with an extremely prolapsed butthole?

Oh okay.

But that’s the problem. Fuck promises. Either you vote for NOT TRUMP, or you write in Sanders, Cruz, Larry Fine, etc. I’m through with pretty promises (“Read my lips,” etc.) by lying liars who lie. To me, HRC doesn’t need to reach across anything. If those who voted for Sanders are that dead set against her, why in

Let’s say Hillary goes even more left and adopts some of Bernie’s positions. I highly doubt that will get Bernie voters to line up behind her. Instead it will be more of the “she’s pandering, she’s fake” BS that I hear all the time every time she does announce a position on anything. It’s a lose lose for her. She

Al Gore won over 75% of votes in the 2000 primary, Clinton is likely to end up with more than Obama had in 2008 and Obama had the greatest general election success since Reagan. So I don’t think your examples have anything to do with how elections actually play out. And if Clinton is so bad, why should anyone support