the actual bajmahal

Its why I’m optimistic. There are two Hilary Clintons: the intelligent and capable woman and the sleazy duplicitous liar of right and left wing fantasy. She’s constantly underestimated until people actually see her in action.

When the debates come around and Trump actually has to share the stage with the genuine

I keep waiting for the debate when he tells the moderator “your not being very nice” and the rest of the debate is just Hillary Clinton laughing and occasionally coming up for air to say “he thought people were going to be nice” before that sets her off again.

The narratives that have built up about Clinton being a terrible campaigner and Trump being a political genius are going to change now that we’re (almost)into the general election. She’s going to destroy him, and I’m going to love watching it.

Brilliant. Clinton is so much better than she’s given credit for. She’s intelligent, thoughtful, and experienced. She’s made mistakes, but so have we all. Plus, she’s learned from them, which unfortunately cannot be said for Trump.

Seriously— now imagine him being criticized and/or lampooned in the international press for the way he does his job as President! He’s not gonna have enough hours in the day to send sourfaced Sharpie-scrawled notes to the entire world bitching about how ungrateful they are to him & make him look bad.

That was the weirdest press conference I’ve ever seen outside of the context of a gay sex scandal from a family values candidate.

I can’t wait to see how Hillary gets more flack for this than anything Trump has ever said or done.

The main reason Clinton is disliked is because the GOP and Fox News have created fake narratives like Benghazi!i! and email server nonsense to damage her trustworthiness/electability. Her approval rating as was sky high before that baloney and they had to take drastic steps. And it worked.

If the reasons FOR disliking her were not so mired in sexist attitudes, it would be easier. It’s amazing to watch someone call her a frozen bitch and a slut in the same paragraph, in other words.

This seems to be a strawman, because even her fans would admit she’s flawed. This very story mentions that.

It really is amusing when people like that burner42069420 fellow get their hackles up over all the supposed opposition campaigning that has been aimed at Sanders and the best example they have is some one-off comment from Clinton about how Sanders’ and Sandy Hook.

Comments like this are why people think a lot of Sanders’ supporters are new to politics.

All made in Mexico and China. Top of the line

I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.

My brother has schizophrenia. His life has value. I could never imagine writing something like that about him. Just FYI people, stop making psycho or schizo into a slur. Stigma is a real problem and contributes to the devaluing of the lives of people who have thought disorders.

I don’t think Hillary supporters are totally discounting polls but I think there are a lot of caveats to these polls that are worth pointing out. (1) Trump is currently getting a bounce from having sealed up the nomination [totally typical and in line with historic practices; the democratic nominee can expect a

Now I’m just imagining a Rocky type of training montage where she has to keep her cool while a guy painted orange is yelling: BENGHAZI! EMAILS! WOMEN PUNISHED FOR ABORTIONS! WALLS! BAN MUSLIMS! MEXICANS ARE RAPISTS! WOMEN LOVE ME MORE THAN YOU! THE BIBLE IS THE BEST BOOK!

Polls this far out are meaningless though. Mitt Romney was ahead of Obama in May of 2012 according to some polls taken at the time.

Keep doxxing women and sending them death threats when you don’t get your way.

Of course, Trump has also been accused of rape. Presumably it’s much worse to be a rapist than to be the wife of a rapist....