the actual bajmahal

Bernie and his team wanted—nay, demanded, like it was somehow deserved—the support of a massive political entity that he has, for 26 years, refused to be a part of. He spent a quarter of a century telling the Democratic party to fuck off, and now when he wanted their help and support, no surprise, he didn’t get it.

The way I see it is none of this matters; the Democrats could have an overripe banana on the ticket and I’d still vote for that over Trump. Clinton doesn’t have to EARN the votes of Bernie supporters; she just has to point at the alternative and let common sense take over.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

Good thing he didn’t say that, then.

Why else did you think I’d vote for her in November?

Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

Again, provide examples of what the “Bitch” did that was criminal? Or are you just all hot air with nothing to back up your claims?

“There is a video of it not happening, for crying out loud.”

I’m sorry, death threats, threats of violence, and slurs from Hillary supporters? Where please?

So... #NotAllBerns


I mean, you fuck one goat and they call you a goat fucker.

Yeah, it just bugs the hell out of me that they were asked to do the bare minimum of what they were supposed to, show up, register and confirm we've got your info correct; couldn't be bothered to do even that...and suddenly IT'S NOT DEMOCRACY!!!

The lack of organizing has been the death of the Sanders campaign. They put all their money into huge rallies, TV ads, and internet presence. They trained no one. His supporters do not understand the process, so they’re all ready to believe whatever ridiculous conspiracy theory or imaginary delegate math scenarios

I was thinking the Steve Rodgers “Before” picture.

Arkansas, where she lived for over a decade and was living at the time of the interview?

I don’t think what Bill did was nothing - I think it was a major problem, and deserved to be discussed publicly, and should affect his legacy. HIS. When we talk about Bill Clinton (or any number of politicians, even some of the more beloved ones), I think we should be discussing his history of harassment. But I don’t

No no no, he’s just the living embodiment of hate.

“She is the living embodiment of everything people hate about politics.”