the actual bajmahal

In related news, ‘80s Kevin Kline and ‘80s Mia Farrow have adopted a dog.

Seriously. And Bernies refusal to help raise money for down ballot dems while still seeking the nomination of the party he shits all over at every opportunity is the biggest reason I think he's a fucking douche bag. If he were so goddam idealistic he'd be running as an Independent. He wants the microphone and stage

Akin to money laundering in what sense ? What the mother fuck kind of logic is that ?

Good damn shit right? Jeebus fucknuts! I was sent an invite to this event, and it’s not like I have $175K just wasting time in my bank. I was also sent a register to win to go to this. I honestly had other plans.

The Democratic base is voting overwhelmingly for Hillary in the primaries, so what makes you think we will not turn out for her in the general?

There are over 20 state parties who have also joined. Those are the ones who can accept up to $10,000 each, from your very own link.

“Shell company?" You know nothing about how this works, huh? Spend five mins looking up joint fundraising committees with the FEC and come back to us.

Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.

In areas of dense population golf courses are a huge waste of space. In many places though, golf courses are considered another form of conservation, and are fantastic habitats for flora and fauna. Golf courses lead innovations in water conservation and use of salinated water on adaptive turf, and obsolete courses are

It's obnoxious.

Maybe you’ve forgotten that not all members of “the public” think like you, and due to fearmongering from the right over “bringing terrorists to America” if Guantanamo was closed (regardless that they would be in SuperMax prisons) there was enormous pressure on Obama to keep Guantanamo open — from other members of

I’m a “Bernie Bro” btw.. just thought this was fitting

Since all the other candidates are so hawkish no wonder the little finch is a BernieBird.

I think that 2008 proved that Hillary supporters will vote for the nominee if it’s not Hillary. The so called PUMA’s never came to fruition. Because cooler heads prevailed. (I supported Obama during the primary, but would have not hesitated to support Hillary had she won). And this year, I would have supported Bernie

Are you kidding me? I’m a Canadian too and after 10 years of that pos Harper, I would never in a million years tell people to sit home and pout because the candidate that will at least maintain the status quo isn’t their one true love.

You presuppose that Hillary has to be “kept honest” in the first place. What was she doing when she voted the same as Bernie 93% of the time, genius? What kept Obama “honest” for 2 terms? What keeps Bernie honest for 5 minutes?

The only way that any president, including the Messiah Bernie, can live up to their campaign promises is to elect a democratic majority in the House and Senate. And even then, not all democrats are liberal. Because that is how government works. Your lot can blame Obama all you want for not magically swooping down and

So, basically, what you are saying is that Bernie supporters are not the kind of committed voter pool who could have consistently turned out and voted in a Democratic Congress to complete his revolution.

No, it DOES NOT make sense, because these same Bernie or Bust folks praise, or at least refuse to criticize to any serious extent, Obama. And Hillary and Obama are basically the same. No, the double standard between how they treat Obama and Hillary Clinton is, imo, something else that rhymes with “mulva”.