the actual bajmahal

If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.

I know his position on the issues - he’s very, very, deeply wrong. He’s anti-abortion. He’s voted against civil rights bills. He’s voted against gay rights, an issue near and dear to my super gay heart.

He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But

Say what you will about old Adolph, but the man did kill Hitler. That has to count for something.

Republican party to Trump: “please remove your gaping maw from our dog whistle. You’re getting spittle on it."

Speaking as a Hillary supporter: good. Any increase in access to voting rights is a thing to strive for.

I used to lead investigations into these kinds of incidents (“Classified Message Incidents”). As far as I can tell, this is at best this a classification through aggregation case, where her staffers combined unclassified bits of information, and at some magical point, all the information combined broke some classified

Sanders fandom is also waiting with ‘bated breath for Hillz to get slapped in irons.

Just some notes from my personal bugbear. Guns make it easier to commit suicide, on top of being the preferred murder weapons for abusers. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in America, and the more you have to plan out and the harder it is to kill yourself, the less incentive you have to do it on a sudden

It’s not about crapping on candidates. Do you really believe this guy can run our country? I posted this somewhere else yesterday, will do the same again. I believe that Trump simply isn’t qualified to be the president.

His speech had a lot of good things. It had the best things. Everyone loved it, it was very successful. The speech would be dating its beautiful, well-endowed daughter, given the speech were not already married.

Let’s see: when the nice guy took office, the country was so far down the shithole the sky couldn’t be seen. Dow in the toilet, unemployment through the roof, housing prices in freefall, and all trends pointed downward

Cracker here. I am 100% unqualified to judge your experiences or choices. You go! We should all go. Straight to the polls. And keep us from a national nightmare (hint: it’s orange-tinged).

Trump bankrupted a casino.

White guy here who happens to love Hillary! Just wanted to say ‘hi’!

This is a classy strawman made of the finest 24K gold. Look at the great, tremendous quality of that argument.

But white rural evangelicals aren’t voting against their interests. Their interest, 90% of which are having their religious beliefs upheld with a gun, are strongly represented by their party of choice. It’s probably the most effectively represented constituent interest in the government: religious liberties and gun

I’m white, and changed my vote yesterday from Sanders to Clinton pretty much solely because of the massive amounts of support she’s getting from black and Hispanic Americans. I’m TERRIFIED of Trump, and I think the best way to prevent him getting anywhere near DC is if the Democrats come out as a truly united force,

White HRC fan here! Gawker seems to attract the most insufferable Bernie supporters/Hillary haters. I can’t imagine the nerve of someone virtually patting you on the head like you’re an idiot. I would have a rage stroke...

people on my timelines are calling for her head because of watergate so it seems like it’s a song that doesn’t end.