the actual bajmahal

No more of an anomaly than someone on the internet not getting a joke. Maybe we could study each other?

I don't know. I'm not feeling the love here.

The Ridicu-Lists (TM) usually are fairly low hanging.

That's what put you in the skeptical column?

Oh you're so missing out - Libertarians usually have the best weed.

No honey, that came out perfect.

Don't let Michael K. read this.

Well, now I have something in my eye.

Upon looking at my comment from yesterday, I'm thinking that my computer must be haunted. The boss took me out to breakfast, not lunch and I said, "- slaves can't quit, they can only be sold." WTF? I think I need to check my meds - or get some meds.

I threw my apron in Bobbie Miller's grocery cart! The next day the big boss came to my apartment to take me out to lunch. I wasn't trying to negotiate anything, I was trying to quit and he said, "I'm afraid that I can't let you do that." So I actually rolled my eyes and said, "Gee, your right. I forgot - slaves

I walked off the job once because a fellow manager called me a fucking useless bitch. It was the useless part that sent me out the door.

I'm 51 aaand I do it all time.

But I like whittlin'.

Well, I hope that he at least looked like Marlon Brando's Stanley.

I argued with someone on Gawker over their cockamamie eagle egg/abortion comparison a few months ago. Could it have been Shadrack? HHMMmmmmmmm...

"Paul Ryan" as an alternative name for jizz needs a Google bombing right now.

Well I believe that the little girl who solos at the 1:28 mark is now into leather.

I was one of those kids who rarely attended class and yet would breeze through the assignments and tests. I wasn't a punk. I didn't cause any trouble or disrespect any authority. I did have health issues - I was diagnosed with an ulcer when I was nine. The "system" let me get away with this (I was high honor roll)

That EW gossip blurb regarding AC and KG and the "audible" kiss is BS.