the actual bajmahal

I've been broke for awhile now and can no longer afford to drive - I usually take the bus back from the grocery store because I'm just too tired to walk with my groceries. After paying my fare I get a transfer that I don't need and won't be using. So I ask whoever is waiting with me at the stop if they're going to

I think that there's supposed an E.L.E. in 2030-2035. Personally, I've got 2015 in the pool.

The black/white dynamic is odd. Check out the poster with the screenname "gregnobody" - he gives some great motivational backstories/archtypes for the characters.

Excellent breakdown.

I like your septis idea, but as I said elsewhere on this thread, the woman in Tyreese's group dies fairly quickly from a non-lethal (not particularly bloody) walker bite on her arm. Wouldn't septis take longer to kill her than the apparent length of time portrayed in the episode?

Except in last night's episode the woman in Tyreese's group was bit on the arm. She wasn't bleeding to death, yet she died in less than an hour. She's dead when they put the bandana over her face before the skull-crushing. Septis couldn't have killed her that fast, could it?

"He's saying that the Govs actions are intended to serve the greater good."

Really? Wouldn't the tampon quickly disintegrate - I mean, they are bio-degradable? Wouldn't a new gym sock or cotton tee work better?

I was taking that as Carl having a crush and Beth (because there aren't any other boys her own age around) bemusedly tolerating/mildly encouraging it. It will be interesting to see if now that the two camps are gearing up for a confrontation, if the writers don't set Beth up with some teenage boy from the town - ala

The Beth character is a teenager. We're lucky we didn't get hearts dotting the i's.

Lorie didn't generally do much - so looking her best was pretty much her contribution.

Well a black or dark bra would make more sense in a zombie apocalypse because it shows the dirt and sweat less. I didn't notice that it was a push-up bra but since Hollywood's idea of a fat woman is actually a fairly average sized woman and a "Hollywood ugly" woman is usually a fairly nice looking woman and a

The people are infected with a "rage" virus. They're not dead.

Glen would have caved for her too. Maggie and Glen are one of TWD's sweetheart couples and as such their loyalties lie more with each other than the rest of the group. I doubt that anyone back at the prison would have been surprised or even particularly disappointed by Maggie's "betrayal"

Clearly, I have watched that movie... in my head. The bodega fight scene is especially gruesome.

\ ,,

I believe Mitt brought this up in the debates.

It's called the Unicorn Cavalry, if you don't mind.

Ah, but what if it was more like the raging illness of 28 Days Later? What if there was a rare malaria type 5 causing not just high fever and death but also the naked, bitey, bath-salt cannibal guy behavior that's been in the mix for millenia but wasn't on the CDC or WHO radar because it tended to happen in sparsely