
My god, is it still fucking 2012?   Kill yourself.  

What are you going to put the parts on?  Your 98 civic?  cuckold.  

The fucking red neck Martini livery and stickers are a god damn travesty on this epic piece of shit poor person mobile.   Burn this fuckin thing.  

trying too hard.  #loser.

Global warming occurs naturally in the Earths climate cycles every couple hundred years. The climate heats up, then cools down and repeats. This has been proven many times, and is unrelated to any human deposits of CO2 or pollution through manufacturing/processing it doesn’t even amount to .01% of the added gasses

As someone who owned a 2011 GLK 350, you’re gonna be dissappointed with the build quality on these bottom of the barrel MBs also.

If you were in a space ship close enough to a black hole to visually see the event horizon, you’d already be ripped apart by the intense gravity of the black hole itself to know where you are. You’d be traveling along and then all of a sudden you’re ripped to shreds before you know it.

Given that there is light reflecting everywhere around it, you are actually looking at the black hole itself. #idiot.

Still a picture of it then isn’t it?  #dumbass 

Ah here come the keyboard Astrophysics experts.

It’s amazing how people still watch this shit.  I outgrew it at age 12.  

hahah you’re mentally retarded.  

hahahahhaa it’s funny to see piggies eat shit.

FCA just needs to bite the bullet already and stuff a hellcat motor in a production Jeep and sell it for $70K.  They will fly off the lots.  What are they waiting for?  

The Wheel bearings are going to die any second, as is the axle.


Yea and it’s just these people who can’t afford the good 911s hell bent on trying to convince the themselves the 996 isn’t a giant, ugly piece of shit inside and out.   That interior is below par of mustangs of that time.  On a car that cost 3x as much.  Just fucking horrible.   

What?  I’ve never heard anyone refer to the 964 as ugly.  The 996 deserves it, the only people trying to convince themselves the 996 isn’t ugly are the poors who can’t afford other 911s.  

Nope.  996 still ugly inside and out.  

It’s making fun of Steelers and their players so I’m cool with it. AB seems like a cunt, but show me one Great WR that wasn’t a cunt in some way, shape or form.